Stephen Hillenburg, creator of 'SpongeBob SquarePants', died at 57

[ad_1] Stephen Hillenburg, the man behind the Nickelodeon cartoon series "SpongeBob SquarePants", passed away on Monday. He was 57 years old. Nickelodeon told Fox News in a statement that the network was "extremely saddened by the announcement of the death of Steve Hillenburg after a battle against ALS". The statement went on: "He was a … Read more

The flu season's tough & # 39; can be on the horizon

[ad_1] MILWAUKEE – There is something you hope not to bring back Thanksgiving: the flu! The number of influenza-related hospitalizations last season is nearly seven times higher than five years ago, or more than 7,500 throughout the state. The Wisconsin Health Services Department adds that strains are more deadly, from 75 flu-related deaths in the … Read more

An accelerated video shows the launch of a rocket from the space

[ad_1] We've seen a lot of lapse-time, but this one is probably unique as it captures the launch of a Progress rocket directly from the International Space Station (ISS). In orbit at 30,000 km / h, 400 km high, the ISS needs regular supplies from the Earth to replenish its stock of fuel, oxygen, water … Read more

A US House race remains undecided. Here is where he is

[ad_1] In fact, even with many votes left to count, the Democrats won the Assembly with at least 8.9 million votes – the largest margin ever recorded in a mid-term election. As of Tuesday morning, there were still two home runs unreadable. But Democrat Xochitl Torres Small beat Republican Yvette Herrell in New Mexico when … Read more

Google Maps tips and tricks

[ad_1] Google Maps can do a lot more than show you where you are. It features features that let you see where you are, live event listings nearby, a way to customize the food recommendations you see, transit options and more.

Jameis Winston and the Uber pilot reach a settlement

[ad_1] By: WCTV Eyewitness NewsNovember 27, 2018 TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) – Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Jameis Winston has reached an agreement with an Arizona driver Uber who accuses him of fumbling, according to the report. Tampa Bay Times. The lawsuit, filed in September, followed an alleged incident in March 2016, in which Uber's driver claimed … Read more

Google employees demand Google stop working on censored research in China

[ad_1] Enlarge / CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai, in 2017. Justin Sullivan / Getty Images Dozens of Google employees have signed an open letter asking Google to stop working on Project Dragonfly, a censored version of Google's search engine that can be deployed in mainland China. The existence of the project was revealed by the … Read more

Ralph breaks the Internet: the dream of Disney capitalist fever

[ad_1] Pocahontas confronting a colonizer.Image: Disney Ralph breaks the Internet is one of Disney's first films to take a serious look at how digital culture has been shaped by our relationships with things and people. For the movie's heroes, this presents a number of interesting challenges as they navigate the web. and for the public, … Read more

2 more preterm babies die in an outbreak at the university hospital

[ad_1] Two other infants who had stayed at Newark University Hospital died last week, bringing the total to three deaths linked to a bacterial epidemic in the neonatal intensive care unit since September, the department said Tuesday. of State Health. The health department sent an inspection team to the hospital on Tuesday after learning that … Read more

Drilling on US public lands is responsible for 24% of the nation's CO2 emissions

[ad_1] Last week, the US Geological Survey (USGS) released a report (PDF) concluding that fossil fuels extracted from public lands account for 23.7% of the country's carbon dioxide emissions. These figures include the carbon dioxide released during the drilling and extraction of coal, as well as the carbon dioxide released during the treatment and combustion … Read more