We have an official university update behind the CRISPR baby scientist

[ad_1] The University of Science and Technology of South Shenzhen, China, has issued an official statement distancing itself from the work of geneticist He Jiankui, an employee of this institution as an associate professor. In an interview with The Associated Press, he stunned the world yesterday by claiming that he had altered the genes of … Read more

The mysterious Black Armory expansion of Destiny 2 redoubled efforts to put "amateur" players in the foreground

[ad_1] Until today, the details of the upcoming Destiny 2 expansion have remained mysterious. Beyond a basic list of Battle.net that mentions a new activity called "The Lost Forges", the usual shopping list of new and exotic quests and a photo of the game. a robot vendor, there is little information on what the downloadable … Read more

Watch: Hang Gliding Holds Life

[ad_1] A breathtaking video captured a hang glider that was desperate after realizing it was not attached to the belt. Chris Gursky, who was on vacation in Switzerland, was hooked on the pilot, who was looking for a place to land quickly. Gursky had a broken wrist on landing, but otherwise it was OK. [ad_2] … Read more

Amazon hits the Cyber ​​Monday purchase record, here's what people have bought

[ad_1] Amazon's e-commerce giant has recorded its biggest shopping day ever on Cyber ​​Monday – surpassing a record, Day Day, earlier this year. Although the turnover figures are not immediately available, the company said its customers had ordered over 18 million toys and 13 million fashion items between Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday . Throughout … Read more

CDC confirms 116 cases of polio-like AFM-like disease in 31 states

[ad_1] A mysterious, polio-like illness that is disgusting and, in some cases, paralyzes children, is on the rise with at least 116 confirmed cases of acute flaccid myelitis since the beginning of the year, federal officials said. health. The latest number of confirmed MFA cases in 31 states is just over double the number reported … Read more

The handshake of NASA was inspired by the NFL players

[ad_1] After Monday's successful landing of the InSight lander on the surface of Mars, control of the mission at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, broke under applause. Then a pair of engineers broke out with a complex handshake that set the Internet on fire. Engineers – ID's only like Brooke and Gene a … Read more

YouTube permanently closes these annoying and annoying annotations on January 15th. YouTube permanently closes these annoying annotations. January 15

[ad_1] Do not forget that each YouTube video was covered with several odious annotations covering parts of the screen and asking you to click. Well, that time is coming to an inevitable end. The video platform ceased its annotations editor on May 2, 2017 and will cease posting annotations on January 15, 2019. This is … Read more