Humanoid who lived 6 million years ago crawled on all fours and could be closer to chimpanzees than humans

[ad_1] A new report challenges the theory that Sahelanthropus tchadensis, a hominid that lived over 6 million years ago, was our oldest known human ancestor. French paleontologists discovered a Sahelanthropus in Chad almost two decades ago. Nicknamed it “Toumai,” they announced that the creature was an early bipedal – with a skull indicating it had … Read more

Researchers Capture High-Resolution 3D Images of Human Chromosomes Genetic

[ad_1] A team of scientists at Harvard University have developed new imaging technology to visualize the organization of chromatin, a substance in a chromosome made up of DNA and proteins, at multiple scales in single cells at high throughput genomics. his et al. report error-robust multiplexed fluorescence in situ hybridization (MERFISH) based method for genome-wide … Read more

You can still catch the Leonid meteor shower

[ad_1] Refinery29 6 women share the real cost of their shower routines Showers are like the last bastion of calm in our lives. Just think about all the things you don’t do when you’re foaming: mindlessly scrolling through a stranger’s Instagram, texting your friend who just got back together with her worst ex, getting mad … Read more

Rocket Lab launches Electron in booster recovery test

[ad_1] Updated November 20 at 7:00 am, with scene recovery. WASHINGTON – Rocket Lab launched its Electron rocket on November 19, putting nearly 30 small satellites into orbit during its first attempt to recover the first stage of the rocket. The Electron took off from Rocket Lab’s Launch Complex 1 on the Mahia Peninsula, New … Read more

Don’t get between a caterpillar and its milkweed

[ad_1] “Some were wandering around and eating,” said Elizabeth Brown, a biologist in Dr. Keene’s lab. But if an insect spotted a piece of food that was being monopolized by another, it would “stand up and, with its head, slit through the body of the other caterpillar,” she said. Sometimes the strikes landed near the … Read more

The next trick of ‘Magic Angle’ graphene: superconducting devices

[ad_1] IMAGE: © 2018 BY YUAN CAO In 2018, a group of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) performed a dazzling materials science magic trick. They stacked two microscopic graphene cards – sheets of carbon an atom thick – and twisted one very slightly. The application of an electric field transformed the stacking … Read more