Researchers prove that water has several liquid states with significantly different properties

[ad_1] A recently published scientific journal article reveals that water can exist as two liquids of different density. Water is an ubiquitous liquid with many very unique properties. The way it reacts to changes in pressure and temperature may be completely different from other liquids we know, and these properties are essential for many practical … Read more

We assumed the universe was getting colder. It’s not

[ad_1] (Journalist) – The universe has just taken its temperature and the results may surprise. Since the 1990s, researchers have put forward the theory that the average temperature of the universe will drop as it expands and that galaxies, stars, and planets will move away from each other. But a team of international scientists have … Read more

The physics of materials at minus 80 degrees Celsius

[ad_1] OK, you’ve got your rubber band (hopefully). Take it and stretch it with your hands, and keep it taut. Now touch the stretched rubber band to your lip (which is very sensitive to temperature changes). You should be able to feel that the elastic is warmer than room temperature. Don’t let the rubber band … Read more

Scientists discover new exotic mineral forged in Russian volcano furnace

[ad_1] Volcanoes are among the most destructive and impressive phenomena on the planet. But these flaming cracks do more than just destroy. They also create. In a new study, researchers in Russia report the discovery of one of these creations – an unusual mineral never documented by scientists: an alluring crystallized substance, vibrant with blue … Read more

Environment: Glass bottles are Worse than plastic given the energy required to make them, study finds

[ad_1] Glass bottles are much worse for the environment than plastic because they use more energy and resources to make them, study finds Southampton researchers evaluated various types of beverage packaging They examined the impact of glass and plastic bottles, cans and cartons of milk Part of the problem with glass bottles is that they … Read more