Nearby Supernovae Caused Late Devonian Extinctions, Scientists Say | Astronomy, paleontology

[ad_1] Multiple supernova explosions about 65 light years away may have contributed to ozone depletion and several subsequent extinction events at the Devonian-Carboniferous border around 359 million years ago. , according to a new article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. An artistic interpretation of a supernova explosion. Image Credit: ESA … Read more

Immunologists Summarize Functions of Protein Family for Scientific Community

[ad_1] SnapShot created by Bing Li, Ph.D., to illustrate the functions of fatty acid binding proteins (FABP). Credit: Cell Fatty acid binding proteins (FABP) serve as a type of chaperone, coordinating the transport of fatty acids and other molecules between cells. Bing Li, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the … Read more

Ancient marine reptile died after dining on another titan

[ad_1] Over 230 million years ago, a giant dolphin-like marine reptile known as an ichthyosaur devoured its last meal – a creature almost his size – and then died soon after. Inside its belly was the body of a lizard-like aquatic reptile called a thalattosaurus, cropped off the head and long tail but undigested. Paleontologists … Read more

NASA is working to track down pesky ISS air leaks

[ad_1] The International Space Station in orbit. NASA Three people who roam the Earth aboard the International Space Station have a mystery in their hands thanks to a small but persistent air leak. NASA enters search mode to find the source. Although an air leak in space looks worrisome, NASA doesn’t bother her. “The leak … Read more

Weak Earth’s magnetic field increases and can damage satellites

[ad_1] Earth’s geomagnetic armor suit has a flaw and it’s growing. This weak point in our planet’s magnetic field is located over the South Atlantic Ocean, between South America and Southern Africa. Since 2014, the bump has grown and started to split, while weakening. For people on the ground, this is not a concern: the … Read more

New Breakthrough in ‘Molecular Computers’ Improves Targeting of T cells in cancer-killing cars

[ad_1] An artist’s depiction of a Co-LOCKR nano-device assembling on the surface of a cell that has the correct combination of cell surface markers. Credit: UW Medicine Institute for Protein Design A laboratory breakthrough in cell targeting could improve the safety of cancer-killing CAR-T cells. Scientists have demonstrated a new way to precisely target cells … Read more

Osiris-Rex mission on the way to collect asteroid samples | Asteroids

[ad_1] NOTASa’s Osiris-Rex asteroid mission (origins, spectral interpretation, resource identification, security, regolith explorer) has completed its final training run for its next sample collection maneuver. The spacecraft is 288 m from Earth, orbiting the asteroid Bennu. On October 20, it is scheduled to descend and touch the asteroid, where it will collect materials on the … Read more

Urinals and toilets can spread COVID-19, new research finds, adding gasoline to mask debate – Fortune

[ad_1] Urinals and toilets can spread COVID-19, new research finds, adding gasoline to Fortune mask debate Wear a mask in the men’s room: urinals can spray you with viruses, including COVID-19, in 5 seconds! Study results Important reason why you should always wear a face mask in public washrooms Daily Record New study says flushing … Read more