Pushing the limits of reuse, SpaceX attempts to fly the same Falcon 9 a sixth time

[ad_1] Blue hour at SLC-40 where SpaceX’s Falcon 9 B1049.6 is ready to launch the 11th batch of Starlink satellites. Trevor Mahlmann A very oozing booster after 5 launches and landings indeed, Trevor Mahlmann Reused booster: check. Trevor Mahlmann Reused legs: check. Trevor Mahlmann Reused fairings: check. Trevor Mahlmann Close-up of the previously used fairing. … Read more

New ‘Cyborg’ technology could allow humans and AI to merge

[ad_1] Although the real “cyborgs” – partly human, partly robotic – are science fiction, researchers are taking steps to integrate electronics into the body. Such devices could monitor tumor development or replace damaged tissue. But connecting electronics directly to human body tissue is a huge challenge. Now, a team is bringing back new coatings for … Read more

Betelgeuse decreases again

[ad_1] Just as you thought it was safe to start ignoring Betelgeuse again, the red giant star started to act again. After its first cycle of gradation, then lightening, Betelgeuse began to decrease again. Additionally, this new dimming is incompatible with Betelgeuse’s current dimming cycle – so, once again, the star is moving in the … Read more

Ancient lava tubes on the Moon and Mars could serve as human bases

[ad_1] Editor’s opinion: Future astronauts could one day use the natural structures already in place on the Moon and Mars as the basis for human colonies. Not having to build bases above the ground would save huge sums of money and could speed up the colonization of these bodies by years. Researchers from the University … Read more

The TESS exoplanet hunter completes its first mission | Space

[ad_1] ? NASA’s newest planet-hunting space telescope – the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, aka TESS – has just completed its primary mission, the space agency said on August 11, 2020. Its initial sky survey lasted two years. At that time, TESS helped revolutionize our knowledge of exoplanets, the worlds orbiting distant stars, continuing where the … Read more

Tesla-sized asteroid just made closest-to-Earth flyby ever

[ad_1] A space rock gave Earth a close shave on Sunday. Getty No one saw the little asteroid 2020QG coming, but it was whipped by our planet as close as anything we’ve ever seen that could go on. According to NASA’s Near Earth Objects Database, the car-sized space rock flew about 4,778 miles from the … Read more