Astronomers create 8 million babies' universe in a computer and watch them grow. Here is what they learned. | Science live

[ad_1] A team of astrophysicists has just created 8 million unique universes inside a supercomputer and let them evolve from mere toddlers to old geezers. Their objective? To define the role of an invisible substance called black matter played in the life of our universe since the Big Bang and what it means for our … Read more

Boeing spacecraft astronauts see a new frontier for commercial space

[ad_1] HOUSTON (Reuters) – A team of experienced US astronauts and airmen are training in Houston for a human mission aboard the new international space station aboard Boeing's new Starliner spacecraft, which could also be used to come tourists in space. The Boeing Starliner mission was originally scheduled for this month, but it has been … Read more

May the Force (Space) be with us – United States today

[ad_1] May the force of space be with us USA TODAY & # 39; HUI Launch of US Space Command Aug. 29; Alabama's Redstone Arsenal on Shortlist NASA Unveils 'Giant Inflatable House' That Could Comfortably Carry Travelers From Space To Mars End the battle of the moon against Mars | TheHill The Hill The … Read more

Self-Folding "Rollbot" Paves Way for Totally Free Robots

[ad_1] Origami unit with square torsion. Credit: Kotikian et al., Sci. Robot. 4, eaax7044 (2019) Today, most software robots rely on external power and control, whether they are connected to external systems or equipped with rigid components. Researchers at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences John A. Paulson and Caltech have developed software-based … Read more

The eruption of the Yellowstone supervisolcan would be catastrophic

[ad_1] According to a New York Times editorial, the eruption of a "supervolcan" under Yellowstone National Park would look nothing like what humanity has ever seen. According to Bryan Walsh, author of "End Times," 20 supervolcans on Earth represent the greatest natural threat to human life. EXCELLENT VOLCANO COULD WAKE UP AND WORK AT ALL … Read more

The projects of our oligarchy for our future continue to weigh – Consortiumnews

[ad_1] Caitlin Johnstone rejects dogma stolen around the colonization of space and challenges readers to accept and live on planet earth. By Caitlin IIt's rare for a billionaire to share big plans for the future, which is odd because billionaires run the world. Whenever they do, it's always something incredibly sociopathic, like replacing all … Read more

What would happen if an asteroid reached Yellowstone volcano? New video explains

[ad_1] A video revealed what would happen if a planet killer asteroid capable of triggering an extinction-level event reached the Yellowstone supervisolcan. According to the video, the overall impact of the impact would depend on the size of the asteroid. Earth touched by a huge asteroid and Yellowstone's supervolcan taking off are probably two imminent … Read more

Life on Mars SHOCK: Extraterrestrial microbes can explain the mystery of Mars' methane | Science | New

[ad_1] Life on Mars has developed billions of years ago while the planet was still hot and humid and sheltered vast seas and oceans. Today, the red planet is a sterile and desolate landscape, devoid of any immediate evidence that it could still harbor extraterrestrial organisms. There are however scientists who have dedicated their lives … Read more

Chandrayaan 2 predicts a compressed orbit & # 39; in the last maneuver, reveals ISRO. What does it mean? – Technology News, Firstpost

[ad_1] Tech2 News StaffAugust 22, 2019 09:30:37 IST The second Indian mission to explore the moon, Chandrayaan 2, Just finished a day in its new orbit around the moon. The composite Chandrayaan 2 – the only combined unit consisting of the orbiter, the Vikram lander with the rover nestled inside – succeeded performed one of … Read more

A 20-million-year-old skull suggests complex brain evolution in monkeys and monkeys

[ad_1] data-src = " gfx / news / hires / 2019 / 3-20millionyea.jpg "data-sub-html =" An exceptional fossil skull of Chilecebus carrascoensis, a primate of 20 million years old from the Chilean Andes. Credit: © AMNH / N. Wong and M. Ellison "> <img src = "" alt = "A 20 million-year-old skull suggests complex … Read more