Space radio signals: What does EIGHT radio bursts mean for the hunt for extraterrestrial life? | Science | New

[ad_1] Scientists have discovered strange, repetitive radio bursts emerging from deep space, which has more than quadrupled the number of signals detected this year. The eight radio bursts identified on Earth were spotted by the radio telescope of the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME). It is hoped that this discovery will provide scientists with … Read more

Researchers Propose New Holographic Method to Simulate Black Holes with Tabletop Experience

[ad_1] Theoretical prediction of the black hole image from the table experiment. The radius of the ring depends on the temperature. The image of the black hole is distorted when the observation point θobs varies. Credit: University of Osaka A research team from the Osaka University, Nihon University and Chuo University proposed a new theoretical … Read more

Ancient Egyptian objects would have been spotted on Nasa's Mars photo

[ad_1] CAIRO – AUGUST 20, 2019: Scott Waring, hunter and UFO specialist, said that images of NASA's red planet confirm the existence of an ancient Egyptian pharaonic coffin on Mars, according to the report. International Business Time. The general shape of the "body" spotted by NASA is similar to that of pharaonic coffins. There are … Read more

Europe sends extraterrestrial hunting camera to Mars

[ad_1] The red planet may be just a drop of water in our huge cosmos, but Mars has always been a key curiosity place for extraterrestrial life. Now, a high-tech camera could solve the age-old question: is there – or has there ever been – life on Mars? By 2021, the ExoMars rover of the … Read more

The future of the Earth written in Greenland in full fusion

[ad_1] HELHEIM GLACIER, Greenland (AP) – This is where the refrigerator door of the Earth is left open, where the glaciers are shrinking and the sea is starting to rise. David Holland, a specialist in air and ocean science at New York University, who follows what is happening in Greenland from top to bottom, calls … Read more