The old Mars was hot with occasional rains, getting cold

[ad_1] March 2020 rover concept. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech Scientists have known for a long time that water was abundant in ancient Mars, but there was no consensus on whether liquid water was common or whether it was largely frozen in ice. Was the temperature high enough to allow water to flow? Has this happened … Read more

The ambitious Europa Clipper has taken an important step towards theft

[ad_1] Enlarge / This is an earlier design of the Europa Clipper spacecraft. NASA NASA gave its ambitious Europa Clipper mission the green light to proceed with the final design and then the construction of the spacecraft. The multi-billion dollar mission remains on target for a launch in 2023 or 2025, the agency said. Each … Read more

Increase computing power for the future of particle physics

[ad_1] A new machine learning technology tested by an international team of scientists, including MIT Assistant Professor Philip Harris and Dylan Rankin, a postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratory for Nuclear Science, enables the rapid detection of specific particle signatures in a laboratory. data ocean of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). from one eye. Sophisticated and … Read more

The simulation shows the devastating impact of a nuclear war between the United States and Russia

[ad_1] A simulation between the US war and Russia could plunge the world into a nuclear winter, confirmed a simulation, as tensions mounted after the withdrawal of the United States from the Nuclear Intermediate-Range Forces (INF) Treaty and the realization of 39, a mid-range cruise missile test. Researchers from Rutgers University, the University of Colorado … Read more

Look at the "waste fish" of the southern United States suck its prey

[ad_1] Scanner animation showing how an alligator bitch catches his prey. Credit: Justin B. Lemberg et al. The alligator gar, a fish with a narrow throat and narrow muzzle that resembles the reptile of the same name, is the largest native freshwater predator in North America. They live mainly in Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas and … Read more

Black hole gobbles up neutron star, causing ripples in space and time

[ad_1] This is an artist's depiction of a black hole about a star neutron swallow. Detectors signaled this possible event on August 14. This artist's illustration shows LHS 3844b, a rocky nearby exoplanet. It's 1.3 times the mass of Earth and orbits has a cool M-dwarf star. The planet's surface is probably dark and covered … Read more

Terraform Mars would take 3,500 nuclear weapons a day

[ad_1] Drafting committee On Thursday, Elon Musk revisited his 2015 suggestion to terraform Mars by destroying the hell of its poles. Even then, the idea was scientifically questionable – research has shown that Musk's plan would only raise Mars's atmospheric pressure to seven percent of Earth's. Now the mathematician Robert Walker calculates on the blog … Read more

NASA's next Mars rover is almost ready to switch

[ad_1] If there is life on the red planet, our best hope of finding it is perhaps this rock-thirsty rover, which is currently in its final phase of construction (really!) at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Next summer, the March 2020 rover will be deployed in the Jezero crater, where it will land … Read more