Researchers produce electricity from americium | Physics

[ad_1] Researchers in the United Kingdom extracted americium from a plutonium stockpile and used the heat generated by this radioactive element to generate enough electrical power to illuminate a small light bulb. This breakthrough means a potential use of americium in radioisotope electrical systems for missions that would use the heat produced by americium pellets … Read more

What the black hole M87 and an eclipse of 1919 reveal about Einstein

[ad_1] A century ago, British astronomer Arthur Stanley Eddington and his colleagues photographed a solar eclipse and changed the way humanity viewed the sky. These photographs, taken on May 29, 1919 in Sobral (Brazil) and Príncipe Island, off the west coast of Africa, confirm for the first time an essential prediction of Albert's theory of … Read more

The investigation of the incident of the dragon of the crew is continuing

[ad_1] WASHINGTON – More than a month after the destruction of a Crew Dragon spacecraft during a test of its propulsion system, NASA and SpaceX investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the accident and its implications for future test flights. Kathy Lueders, NASA's Commercial Team Program Manager, presented some information on the … Read more

SpaceX satellites pose new challenges for astronomers

[ad_1] In this screengrab taken from a video filmed by Marco Langbroek, a group of SpaceX Starlink satellites passes over Leiden, the Netherlands, on May 24, 2019. It looked like a sci-fi blockbuster scene: an astronomer in the Netherlands filmed a train of high-lighted SpaceX satellites climbing up into the night sky this weekend, stunning … Read more

Dozens of genes previously considered to have similar roles from one species to another are actually unique to humans – ScienceDaily

[ad_1] Researchers at the Donnelly Center in Toronto have discovered that dozens of genes, previously thought to play similar roles in different organisms, are unique to humans and could help explain the birth of our species. These genes encode a class of proteins called transcription factors, or TFs, that control gene activity. TF recognize specific … Read more

A new study reveals an unexpected survival mechanism of a subset of cancer cells

[ad_1] The metaphase chromosomes of ALT cancer cells (U2OS osteosarcoma cell line) are depleted for FANCM. The telomeric DNA is in green, the chromosomal DNA is in red. Arrowheads indicate telomeric DNA dissociated from chromosomes, indicating severe telomere dysfunction. Credit: Bruno Silva At the ends of the chromosomes are included structures called telomeres, which in … Read more

The "forbidden" planet was found in the "Neptunian desert"

[ad_1] Exoplanet NGTS-4b – also known as "The Forbidden Planet" Credit: University of Warwick / Mark Garlick A smaller exoplanet than Neptune with its own atmosphere was discovered in the Neptunian Desert by an international collaboration of astronomers, with the University of Warwick playing a leading role. New research, led by Dr. Richard West, including … Read more

Warming Arctic produces extreme temperatures in our latitudes – ScienceDaily

[ad_1] Researchers at the Alfred Wegener Institute's Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) have developed a climate model that accurately represents the frequently observed winding path of the jet stream, an important current in the northern hemisphere. The breakthrough occurred when scientists combined their global climate model with a new machine learning algorithm … Read more