The stars in the sky of the new satellite network of Elon Musk worry star watchers

[ad_1] <div data-thumb = "" data-src = " newman / gfx / news / hires / 2019 / lightsinthes.jpg "data-sub-html =" The panel of 60 Starlink satellites just before orbiting the Earth. Official Photos of SpaceX"> <img src = "" alt = "The sky lights of the new satellite network of Elon Musk have Worried … Read more

We are going together – YouTube

[ad_1] We are a coalition of nations that can help us get to the moon quickly and sustainably. Together. We have the bold vision of returning to the moon by 2024. In pursuit of this goal, we welcome the growing list of international and commercial partners.It is the partnerships of the last 60 years that … Read more

Two new T Rex-related dinosaurs discovered in fossils discovered in Thailand 30 years ago

[ad_1] Two new megaraptor dinosaur predatory species that were distantly related to Tyrannosaurus rex have been identified from fossils found in Thailand. The specimens were discovered for the first time 30 years ago, but their significance was not recognized until the researchers re-examined the samples stored at the museum. The two new dinosaurs would have … Read more

Chandra discovers stellar duos banished from galaxies

[ad_1] Credit: NASA / CXC / Nanjing University / X. Jin et al. Scientists have found evidence that pairs of stars have been chased away from their host galaxies. This discovery, made using data from NASA's Chandra X-ray observatory, is one of the most obvious examples of stellar pairs being expelled from their galactic base. … Read more

More than 500 drones illuminate the night sky in southern China

[ad_1] Subscribe to our free YouTube channel here: A drone show featuring 526 unmanned aerial vehicles illuminates the night sky in China's Guizhou Province at the China International Big Data Industry 2019 show. The drones are presented at the exhibition. several times a night until May 31, 2019. Follow us on:Website: https://scmp.comFacebook: … Read more

Why you should worry about the fact that lanthanum hydride is a high pressure superconductor

[ad_1] Superconductivity is the phenomenon in which, when the temperature of a material is reduced below a critical value, its resistance to the flow of electric current disappears abruptly. This state is associated with the emergence of a quantum character that makes superconductors useful for quantum computing. Superconductors have the potential to usher in a … Read more

Scientists discover genes that may contain answers to the mysteries of our evolution – RT World News

[ad_1] Scientists have discovered an exciting collection of genes unique to humans that could help us learn more about the evolution of our species. The discovery changes the previous understanding of DNA. Until now, it was thought that these genes played similar roles in different organisms, but a new computer analysis showed that they were … Read more

New Data From the Sun May Lead to Advances in Nuclear Fusion

[ad_1] This site can earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. On Earth, we deal with simple matters like liquids, gasses, and solids. Our Sun, on the other hand, is a giant ball of unstable fluid known as plasma. With plasma in short supply on Earth, the new observations of … Read more

SpaceX's Internet satellites could be a problem for astronomers

[ad_1] The problem is not as bad as feared at first, when the satellites had not finished directing their solar panels and were therefore very bright (you can see a video below). The vehicles are only designed to last five years in orbit before sinking into a fiery death in the atmosphere, so this may … Read more