Spherical flames in the space could solve the mystery of fires without soot

[ad_1] Solving this burning issue requires lighting fires in the space. Ongoing experiments on the International Space Station could help solve a scientific debate about why some fires burn without producing soot. Composed of carbon particles created when fuel does not burn completely, soot is a pollutant. Particles are linked to health problems, including cancer … Read more

Humans cause narrowing of nature as large animals die

[ad_1] The total body mass of the mammalian population has declined by 14% over the past 130,000 years, but research suggests that this trend will accelerate considerably in the coming years, according to University scientists. from Southampton. The main author of the study, Rob Cooke, explained that human habitat destruction, hunting, intensive agriculture, urbanization and … Read more

Climate change is changing the composition of planktonic communities around the world

[ad_1] The composition of plankton in the world has changed a lot since the industrial revolution. Zooplankton communities have moved more than 374 km on average as a result of warmer ocean temperatures. The results, published in the journal Nature, show the widespread impact of climate change on marine ecosystems. "Marine ecosystems have entered the … Read more

Baby tiger sharks eat common birds

[ad_1] May 22 (UPI) – To better understand the diet of baby tiger sharks, scientists captured specimens of young sharks and made them vomit. The analysis of DNA in shark vomit has shown that baby tiger sharks consume songbirds. Tiger sharks are known as the trash cans of the ocean. When it comes to eating, … Read more

Plankton as a factor of climate change instead of the sun?

[ad_1] Microscopic view of marine plankton. Credit: A. Stuhr, GEOMAR. Fluctuations in Earth's orbital parameters are thought to trigger long-term climatic fluctuations such as ice ages. This includes varying the tilt angle of the Earth's axis with a cycle of about 40,000 years. Kiel-based marine scientists, led by the GEOMAR Helmholtz Kiel Ocean Research Center, … Read more

Star chemistry sheds new light on Gaia sausage

[ad_1] Credit: CC0 Public Domain The chemical traces in the atmospheres of the stars are used to discover new information about a galaxy, known as the Gaia sausage, involved in a major collision with the Milky Way billions of years ago. Astrophysicists from the University of Birmingham, in collaboration with colleagues from the European institutions … Read more

Major discovery of Martian ice amazes scientists

[ad_1] Scientists have discovered layers of ice buried under the North Pole of Mars, likely to help unlock the history of the Red Planet. Experts from the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Arizona used the Shallow Radar (SHARAD) of the NASA Mars Orbiter of Recognition (MRO) to make this discovery. Ice, … Read more

Generate electricity in estuaries using light and osmosis

[ad_1] Reproducing the conditions that prevail in estuaries, EPFL scientists have brought to light a system combining water, salt and a membrane of three atoms thick to generate more water. ;electricity. Credit: EPFL Most renewable energy technologies depend on weather conditions. Wind farms can only operate in wind, and solar plants depend on sunlight. EPFL … Read more