Scientists make noise so loud that the water boils

[ad_1] Photo: zoom-zoom If you have not yet received the latest issue of the journal Physical examination of fluids, spoiler alert, it's a doozy. In this edition of the United States' favorite publication on fluid dynamics, Stanford scientists published the results of an experiment using X-ray free-electron laser pulses in liquid water micro-jets. 14 to … Read more

Overall temperature changes due to external factors confirm new study

[ad_1] Credit: CC0 Public Domain Researchers at the University of Oxford have confirmed that human activity and other external factors are responsible for the rise in global temperature. Although this was a long-standing consensus among the scientific community, uncertainty remained about how natural cycles of the ocean could affect global warming over several decades. The … Read more

What 6 feet of sea level rise will do to cities

[ad_1] A new study suggests that if the world does not make significant reductions in emissions, it is possible that so much ice melts as sea level rises by more than two meters by the end of the century, about twice as much as the researchers had predicted. in the last big report on the … Read more

Neptune's moon, Triton, promotes rare icy union

[ad_1] Image Voyager 2 of Triton showing the southern polar region with dark streaks produced by visible geysers on the icy surface. Credit: NASA / JPL Astronomers using the Gemini Observatory explore the largest moon, Triton, of Neptune and observe, for the first time outside the laboratory, an extraordinary union between ice-based carbon monoxide and … Read more

NASA wants you to get your boarding pass for Mars

[ad_1] This option is available for virtually anyone in the world and does not require any more sensitive information than your e-mail address. NASA warns you that your inclusion is "subject to revision", so that jokers and spammers are not assured of getting their name on the mobile. You have until September 30 to participate. … Read more

You can send your name to the red planet on NASA Mars rover 2020

[ad_1] Your name could fly to March next year. NASA invites people from around the world to submit their names to take the plane aboard the fighter plane for life Rover March 2020which should be launched next summer and land on the red planet in February 2021. "As we prepare to launch this historic Mars … Read more

Superconductivity near room temperature

[ad_1] Materials called superconductors transmit electrical energy with 100% efficiency. They have a wide range of applications, such as magnetic resonance imaging in hospitals. However, these applications have been hampered, largely because the superconducting state exists only at temperatures well below room temperature (295 Kelvin). Write in Nature, Drozdov et al.1 publish several key results … Read more

Scientists beat high temperature superconductor record

[ad_1] X-ray data allowed scientists to construct a model of the crystalline structure of the material. Credit: Drozdov et al. Scientists at the University of Chicago are part of an international research team that discovered superconductivity – the ability to conduct electricity perfectly – at the highest temperatures ever recorded. With the help of advanced … Read more

Discovery of 18 exoplanets the size of the Earth

[ad_1] Planet EPIC 201238110.02 is the only one of the new planets cold enough to possibly harbor liquid water on its surface. Credit: NASA / JPL (Neptune), NASA / NOAA / GSFC / Suomi Nuclear Power Station / VIIRS / Norman Kuring (Earth), MPS / RenĂ© Heller Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Solar … Read more