NASA’s Curiosity rover video shows new panoramic view of Mars

[ad_1] NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has released a breathtaking panorama of the interior of Gale Crater, photographed by the Curiosity Rover. To celebrate the ninth of the Rover – ninth! – year of surveying the red planet, the clip shows where the Rover has been, where it’s going and what we’ve learned over the past … Read more

A large number of rogue supermassive black holes roam the universe

[ad_1] Supermassive black holes tend to sit, more or less stationary, in the center of galaxies. But not all of these awesome cosmic objects stay in place; some can be turned awry, swinging around galaxies like cosmic nomads. We call these black holes “wanderers”, and they are largely theoretical, because they are difficult (but not … Read more

NASA Updates Chances of Asteroid Bennu Hitting Earth

[ad_1] NASA has just updated its predictions on the possibility of the asteroid Bennu hitting Earth, even going so far as to specify the exact date on which an impact is most likely: September 24, 2182. Spoiler alert: we’re probably fine. The background: Our solar system contains over a million asteroids, and most are tiny … Read more

Astronomers catch cosmic boomerang in action for the first time

[ad_1] Shown here in composite view, the ALMA data (red / orange) reveals the filament structures left behind by bare dynamic pressure in an optical view of NGC4921’s Hubble Space Telescope. Scientists believe that these filaments form when the galaxy’s magnetic fields prevent the removal of matter. Credit: ALMA (ESO / NAOJ / NRAO) / … Read more

Make nylon 6-6 “greener” and zinc-free

[ad_1] A solar reflector harnesses the sun’s energy to heat a chemical reaction to make nylon 6-6. Credit: Brian Agee Outdoor stadium seats, ski bindings, tire reinforcements, and other products that require strength, durability, and weather resistance are all made with a type of nylon called nylon 6-6. However, the production of this material requires … Read more

Hubble takes breathtaking image of the ‘Furnace’ galaxy

[ad_1] NASA has described the galaxy as “a shining gem”. Bright spiral galaxy NASA has released a stunning Hubble Space Telescope image of a spiral galaxy 68 million light years from Earth. The spiral galaxy is known as NGC 1385 and is located in the constellation Fornax – the Latin word for “oven”, according to … Read more

Ship 20 ready for pre-flight testing amid future refinements

[ad_1] After the iconic first sight of a fully integrated Starship stack during fit checks on the Orbital Launch Site (OLS) support, Ship 20 and Booster 4 are being prepared for testing before the launch attempt orbital milestone. Ship 20 is back at the launch site, occupying the suborbital Pad B ahead of proof test … Read more

Chinese Mars rover completes 90-day mission

[ad_1] The Chinese rover to Mars has completed its planned 90-day mission fully charged and in good condition, and will continue to explore, according to reports. The Zhurong rover would continue to explore the Utopia Planitia de Mars, the vast area where it landed, the country’s National Space Administration said on Friday, according to the … Read more