Geologists may have solved a Grand Canyon mystery

[ad_1] (News) – The Grand Canyon may be a geological wonder, but it is also a geological puzzle, which may have finally been solved. The puzzle is known as the Great Discordance, explains a statement from In parts of the canyon, layers of rock approximately 520 million years old lie directly on layers approximately … Read more

Scientists have created a 2D supersolid for the first time

[ad_1] Editor’s opinion: Scientists are learning more about quantum mechanics every day. Despite all the progress to date, it’s hard not to feel like you’ve barely scratched the surface of a very strange area that may not be fully understood in decades to come. A team of Austrian researchers succeeded in creating a two-dimensional supersolid … Read more

Much like humans, apes communicate to say hello and goodbye, research finds

[ad_1] The researchers analyzed more than 1,200 interactions with groups of chimpanzees and bonobos in zoos and found that they commonly exchanged glances or gestures to share their intentions regarding social interactions. These gestures included touching each other, holding hands, and even banging their heads. Bonobos exchanged “hello” signals before playing 90% of the time … Read more

Asteroid as big as a mountain will fly close to Earth this weekend

[ad_1] On Saturday, August 21, a potentially dangerous asteroid will fly safely over Earth at a distance of just 3.4 million kilometers (2.1 million miles), the closest approach in decades. It’s just 8.9 times the distance between Earth and the Moon. Asteroid 2016 AJ193 is larger than 99% of all known NEOs, so it’s good … Read more

A spiraling arm break in the Milky Way

[ad_1] See bigger. | Stars and nebulae shoot out like a shard from a piece of wood on the Sagittarius arm of the Milky Way. The inset gives you a better idea of ​​the spiral arm break and where it is in relation to our sun. Image via NASA / JPL-Caltech. Just like you can’t … Read more

Baby bats babble, just like human babies, study finds

[ad_1] Scientists at the Museum of Natural History in Berlin listened to 20 baby bats – called puppies – and found that, just like humans, they train to make noise before they learn to talk to others. Baby large-winged bats (Saccopteryx bilineata) have been observed in their natural habitats in Panama and Costa Rica. The … Read more

Baby bat babbling strangely resembles human infants

[ad_1] Mother-calf pair of the neotropical bat species Saccopteryx bilineata in the diurnal roost. The puppy is attached to the mother’s womb. Credit: Michael Stifter More than anything else, language defines human nature. Speech, the vocal output of language, requires precise control of our vocal articulators, including the tongue, lips and jaw. Every infant is … Read more

Russian space debris likely hit China’s Yunhai 1-02 satellite

[ad_1] A spectacular view of the Earth from low Earth orbit. Picture: Nasa The mysterious failure of the Yunhai 1-02 satellite in March has probably been resolved. The discarded remnants of an old Russian rocket appear to have crashed into the Chinese satellite, which is a worrying sign of things to come in our increasingly … Read more

Ancient lava reveals that Earth’s magnetic field really has a 200 million year cycle

[ad_1] We know that the Earth’s magnetic field is always changing direction and intensity. Of great interest is how quickly these changes occur, since this planetary feature protects us all from violent cosmic radiation. Today, a new analysis of ancient lava flows in eastern Scotland – filling some crucial voids in our magnetic field history … Read more