Black hole scientist defends colleague against sexist trolls

[ad_1] After sexist trolls of social media tried to reduce the role of computer scientist Katie Bouman in capturing the very first image of a black hole of the week by claiming that a male colleague had did most of the work, this colleague had sent them a message on Twitter. Andrew Chael, a Harvard … Read more

Epitaxial spin coating films | Science

[ad_1] Epitaxial films by spin coating A simple way to apply a uniform film to a surface is to apply a spin coating. The substrate rotates at high speed and a droplet of solution containing the coating is added in the center, spreads and evaporates. This method is used to make polycrystalline inorganic coatings and … Read more

Elon Musk rocket launches Saudi Arabsat satellite – Arab News

[ad_1] Elon Musk rocket launches Saudi satellite Arabsat Arab News We can admit it: we are dazzled by the controlled fury of Falcon Heavy Ars Technica. SpaceX launches Falcon Heavy and unloads for the first time the three CNBC rocket propellants Watch live: SPACEX FALCON HEAVY! #superHeavyRocket @Kennedy Space Center, 5:35 pm EST, SPACE AND … Read more

Fans want "a legitimate place in history" for Katie Bouman, who has created an algorithm to assemble this black hole photo

[ad_1] First of all, we had a breathtaking image, the first to show a black hole, in a galaxy located about 55 million light years from Earth. Then came the stunned realization that the remarkable moment of creation of years would not have been possible without the work of a 29-year-old female scientist, who has … Read more