Chinese scientists create monkeys with genes in the human brain

[ad_1] The monkeys have been subjected to memory tests requiring them to memorize colors and shapes on a screen The monkeys have had memory tests asking them to memorize colors and shapes on a screen. PHOTO: FILE HONG KONG: Chinese scientists have implanted genes of the human brain in monkeys, as part of a study … Read more

Curiosity tastes the first sample in 'clay unit'.

[ad_1] The Mast camera, or Mastcam, on NASA's Curiosity Mars robot captured this series of images before and after drilled a rock nicknamed "Aberlady" on Saturday, April 6 (the 2,370-day Martian mission) . The rock and other people nearby seem to have moved when the drill was removed. It was the first time that Curiosity … Read more

$ 1 Million "Moonshot" Award for SpaceIL's Historic Events

[ad_1] Yonatan Winetraub, co-founder of SpaceIL Arutz Sheva The Israeli satellite Beresheet may not have landed on the moon as planned Thursday night, but its success in the lunar orbit and its attempt to land on the moon have always made history as the first space vehicle funded by the private sector to take these … Read more