A 430-million-year-old marine creature named after the Cthulhu mythos of Lovecraft

[ad_1] <div _ngcontent-c14 = "" innerhtml = " Interpretation of the artist Sollasina cthulhu, a new species of fossil named after H.P. Cthulhu, mythical creature of Lovecraft. Elissa Martin, Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History An exceptionally preserved fossil of a 430 million year old sprawling marine creature reminds an international team of paleontologists the … Read more

Fall into the Google doodle of a black hole

[ad_1] Just like a black hole, this animation will suck you up. Credit: Google The Horizon Event Telescope (EHT) needed two years to create the very first image of a distant black hole, but a new Google Doodle commemorating this historic feat was set up in a matter of hours. The Google Doodle artist, Nate … Read more

Filipinos plan more excavations where a new human species has been found

[ad_1] MANILA >> Archaeologists who discovered fossil bones and teeth of an unknown human species that had flourished more than 50,000 years ago in the northern Philippines announced that they were planning more excavations and called for better protection of the calcareous cave complex, where the remains were discovered. ASSOCIATED PRESS The Philippine archeologist Armand … Read more

NASA awards DART launch contract to SpaceX

[ad_1] DENVER – SpaceX will launch a NASA mission to test an asteroid deflection technique at a price significantly lower than the company's past agency contracts. NASA announced on April 11 that it had awarded SpaceX the contract to launch the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) on a Falcon 9 in June 2021 from Vandenberg … Read more

Homo luzonensis: new human species discovered in the Philippines

[ad_1] There is a new human on the archaic block. Researchers announced Wednesday the discovery on the island of Luzon, Philippines, of hominins fossils that do not resemble any human species known to science. After a careful analysis, they nicknamed this new species Homo luzonensis. This revelation is reflected far beyond the Philippines. This highlights … Read more

Israeli spacecraft Beresheet crashes on the moon

[ad_1] Israel's lunar lander Beresheet crashed, putting an end to the first privately funded private moon mission. If successful, Beresheet would have made Israel the fourth country to land on the moon (after the US, Russia and China), but as reported by the BBC, the command center lost communication with the satellite as it approached … Read more

Chinese scientists added genes from the human brain to monkeys

[ad_1] Scientists in China have created a new type of monkey. He has a gene of the human brain. And that could make his intelligence a bit more like ours. This, in turn, makes his fate – and his very existence – extremely morally charged. In a study published last month in Beijing National Science … Read more