Old Jersey teeth find allusions to Neanderthal mix

[ad_1] Neanderthals exhibit some features more characteristic of modern human teeth Prehistoric teeth discovered at a Jersey site reveal signs of interbreeding between Neanderthals and our own species, scientists say. British experts have re-examined 13 teeth found between 1910 and 1911 at La Cotte de St Brelade, in the south-west of the island. They have … Read more

New research suggests full moon may affect sleep

[ad_1] You may have noticed a brighter night sky recently as we experienced a full moon. NASA reports that the event, called Wolf Moon, began Thursday afternoon and ended Saturday morning. But have you noticed any changes in your personal sleep patterns in the days leading up to the full moon? As the last full … Read more

This insane image of the Moon was actually taken from Earth

[ad_1] A test of a powerful new space imaging instrument has given us a gloriously detailed new perspective of the Apollo 15 moon landing site. By bouncing a powerful radar signal off the lunar surface, the new instrument was able to achieve spectacular resolution, showing objects as small as 5 meters (16.4 feet). Designed for … Read more

Neanderthals have crossed paths with modern humans, Jersey tooth analysis reveals | Science | News

[ad_1] Although closely related to modern man, the Neanderthal was a distinct species of prehistoric human. Neanderthals are thought to have existed between 600,000 and 40,000 years ago in parts of Europe and Central Asia. Unfortunately for the Neanderthal and a handful of other hominins, like the Denisovans or Homo Floresiensis, it was Homo Sapiens … Read more

NASA shares image of dazzling nebula helping the formation of the next generation of stars

[ad_1] NASA’s official Hubble Telescope Instagram account on Friday, January 29, shared an image of the ESO 455-10 nebula and netizens are completely mesmerized. According to legend, the ESO 455-10 distributes its elements in the interstellar medium, which will help form the next generation of stars. Stunned by its beauty, Internet users considered it “Prima … Read more

“Ancient Scar” – Massive impact crater casts doubt that Venus had Earth-like continental plates

[ad_1] Published on Jan 30, 2021 in Science A new discovery on Venus highlights the unique place Earth, and its global plate tectonics system, occupies among its planetary neighbors. Research by Yale astronomers in 2020 suggested that Venus may have had an Earth-like environment billions of years ago, with vast oceans and a thin atmosphere, … Read more

UD suspends its activities on campus | UDaily

[ad_1] Article written by UDaily staff Photo by Kathy F. Atkinson January 31, 2021 In response to the ongoing snow emergency, the University of Delaware is suspending in-person activities on the Newark campus campus for Monday, February 1. Virtual activities, including online courses, will proceed as originally planned. Essential personnel should report for duty on … Read more

How the moon phases affect sleep and menstrual cycles

[ad_1] The Moon receives a lot of credit and blame for human activities, but upon investigation most of the claims turn out to be mere astrology; good stories lacking reliable evidence. Nonetheless, two recently published studies find statistically significant evidence of lunar effects on two old favorites, sleep and menstruation, although partially suppressed by electric … Read more

Antarctic ice shows traces of Martian mineral

[ad_1] The yellow-brown mineral has been detected by x-ray absorption tests and electron microscopy in samples found less than 1,000 meters deep In detail, the researchers believe their discovery supports a theory that suggested that Mars may have been covered by a blanket of ice billions of years ago and that this blanket blew dust … Read more

NASA’s delayed lunar lander contracts cast doubt on Artemis timeline

[ad_1] The setback is not a shock. Congress only gave NASA’s Human Landing System project $ 850 million in its latest spending bill against the $ 3.2 billion it deemed necessary for the planned landing on Moon 2024. It doesn’t help that NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine left when President Biden took office, leaving his deputy … Read more