Women’s menstrual cycles temporarily synchronize with lunar cycles

[ad_1] Credit: CC0 Public Domain The blog “Ladyplanet. Natürlich Frau sein” is pretty sure: “Our cycle is related to that of the moon. The most obvious connection is the length of the two cycles,” he says. The newspaper Berliner Tagesspiegel comes to the opposite conclusion: “The length of women’s menstrual cycles is an average value; … Read more

Mangrove extract may help fight baldness, study finds

[ad_1] Thai researchers believe that a mangrove extract could help fight baldness. The extract, called Avicequinon C, has been shown to stop the body from producing hormones that can lead to hair loss. So far, the research team at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Chulalongkorn University have tested the extract on a group of … Read more

Life on Venus claims to face the biggest challenge yet

[ad_1] Japanese orbiter Akatsuki captured this image of the clouds of Venus with his ultraviolet imager.Credit: ISAS, JAXA, Akatsuki; Treatment: Meli thev Two articles have dealt a further blow to the idea that Venus’ atmosphere may contain phosphine gas – a potential sign of life. The claim that there is phosphine on Venus rocked planetary … Read more

Why is wombat shit shaped like a cube

[ad_1] Today I learned that a) wombats poop is shaped like a cube, and b) scientists figured out how they poop like this. These are two great things! Perhaps you were already familiar with the geometry of wombat droppings? Fucking hipsters. Anyway, it was a surprise to me. And apparently, the precise mechanism by which … Read more

The Atlantic Ocean widens each year, pushing the Americas away from Europe and Africa. We can finally find out why.

[ad_1] A map of the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Map of NASA Earth Observatory by Joshua Stevens, using data from Sandwell, D. et al. (2014). The tectonic plates under the Americas, Europe, and Africa are spreading apart as the Atlantic Ocean widens year after year. New research reveals what separates the plates: Material from … Read more

NASA probe leaves asteroid Bennu in May to deliver samples to Earth

[ad_1] NASA’s asteroid sampling probe OSIRIS-REx will spend an additional two months on its target space rock before returning to Earth. OSIRIS-REx grabbed a lot of earth and rock from the near-Earth asteroid Bennu 1,640 feet wide (500 meters) in October 2020 – so much, in fact, that the probe’s sample collector was overflowing literally. … Read more

NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover landing will be a must-see TV

[ad_1] An illustration of perseverance on its descent to the Martian surface. NASA NASA is weeks away from a shiny new robot landing on the surface of Mars, and for the first time, we’ll be able to see and hear what it’s like to land on another world. Perseverance is expected to land in Jezero … Read more