Fossilized skull reveals how the crested dinosaur got his fancy headgear

[ad_1] An exceptionally well-preserved fossilized skull found in New Mexico in 2017 – the first to be found in 97 years – has revealed new details about its bizarre Elvis-style pompadour. Its analysis allowed paleontologists to definitively identify how such a structure developed on this dinosaur. “Imagine your nose growing out of your face, three … Read more

SpaceX Falcon 9 Orbit Record 143 Satellites In Carpool Mission

[ad_1] A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket propelled a record 143 small satellites into polar orbit on Sunday as part of the company’s first dedicated ‘carpool’ mission, a response to growing demand for low-cost space access by small businesses and non-traditional institutions. The “Transporter 1” mission also recalled the ongoing debate on the role the government … Read more

Did a local coronavirus strain cause the recent COVID surge in California?

[ad_1] Health officials in California are investigating whether a local strain of coronavirus could be partly responsible for the spike in infections in the state. According to the Los Angeles Times, scientists stumbled across the new strain while looking for signs of the highly contagious variant that originated in the UK before traveling to the … Read more

Global ice is melting faster than ever, say climate scientists

[ad_1] From Antarctica to the Arctic, the world’s ice is melting faster than ever, according to a new global satellite study that calculated how much ice was lost due to a generation of increasing temperatures. Between 1994 and 2017, Earth lost 28 trillion metric tons of ice, according to the survey. That’s an amount roughly … Read more

Use the moon to spot the “ winter circle ” of stars

[ad_1] Photo: to have (Shutterstock) While this looks like the more comfortable, cold weather version of the Network Star Battle, the “Winter Circle of Stars” is actually something that takes place in the night sky, rather than the fields of Pepperdine University in California. (OK, technically it’s just called “Winter Circle” – or “Winter Hexagon” … Read more

‘Blue Jet’ lightning spotted by astronauts aboard the International Space Station

[ad_1] In another spectacular sight, astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) recently spotted a blue jet. Describe their observations in the journal Nature, they said it was captured by their instruments on February 26, 2019. Blue jet lighting, also known as upper atmosphere lighting, is a flash that shoots upward due to thunderstorms . … Read more

Black holes could get so huge that astronomers have come up with a new size category

[ad_1] There are supermassive black holes. There is ultramassive black holes. How big can these strange objects be? Well, there could be something even bigger than ultramassive: prodigiously large black holes, according to the latest research. Such hypothetical black holes – more than 100 billion times the mass of the Sun – have been explored … Read more

A new idea to harness the energy of black holes

[ad_1] Fifty years ago, English mathematical physicist and Nobel Laureate Roger Penrose proposed that energy could be extracted from space around a rotating black hole. Known as the ergosphere, this region lies just outside an event horizon, the limit within which nothing can escape the gravitational pull of a black hole (even at the light). … Read more

California May Have Highly Contagious Local COVID-19 Strain

[ad_1] California scientists believe there is a local strain of coronavirus in the state that could be responsible for the dramatic rise in cases, according to a report on Sunday. Two separate research groups discovered the apparent California strain while researching the new variant that is believed to be from the UK, according to the … Read more