Stop atoms: researchers miniaturize laser cooling

[ad_1] Illustration of a new optical system to miniaturize the laser cooling of atoms, a key step towards the cooling of atoms on a microchip. A laser beam of light is launched from a photonic integrated circuit (PIC), aided by an element called an extreme mode converter (EMF) which greatly widens the beam. The beam … Read more

The only place on the space station Astronauts aren’t supposed to clean up

[ad_1] While most of us are now more careful about keeping our homes and workplaces clean, aboard the International Space Station, cleanliness is imperative. Antibacterial measures are of great importance, as bacteria tend to accumulate in the constantly recirculated air inside the ISS. Every Saturday in space is a “cleanup day” where surfaces are wiped … Read more

Fossil hunters uncover the lair of a giant predatory worm

[ad_1] Paleontologists at National Taiwan University believe the 6.5-foot-long burrow once housed a worm-like predator that would surface from the seabed to ambush sea creatures and drag them, alive, into the sea. his lair. Experts working in northeastern Taiwan have reconstructed large L-shaped burrows dating from 23 million years ago from seabed layers using traces … Read more

6 things to know about NASA’s Mars helicopter en route to Mars – NASA

[ad_1] 6 things to know about NASA’s Mars helicopter en route to MarsNASA NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover lands on the Red Planet in less than a month! NASA’s Mars exploration drones to be tested in IcelandDroneDJ New Mars rover can collect first sounds recorded on another planetUPI News NASA’s mole failed to dig deep into … Read more

Giant worms terrorized the ancient seabed from hidden death traps

[ad_1] Gigantic predatory marine worms that lived around 20 million years ago ambushed their prey by leaping on them from underground tunnels at the bottom of the sea, new fossils from Taiwan reveal. These monster worms may have been the ancestors of the modern trap-jawed Bobbit worms (Eunice aphroditois), which also hide in burrows under … Read more

Record-breaking laser binding could provide a test of Einstein’s theory

[ad_1] UWA rooftop observatory. Credit: ICRAR Scientists at the International Radio Astronomical Research Center (ICRAR) and the University of Western Australia (UWA) set a world record for the most stable transmission of a laser signal through the atmosphere. In a study published today in the journal Nature communications, Australian researchers have joined forces with researchers … Read more

Giant predatory worms once roamed ancient seabed, say scientists

[ad_1] Through careful analysis of fossilized layers of the seabed dating back around 20 million years, scientists have reconstructed the lair of a giant underwater worm that would most likely have been hidden in the sediment before jumping to strain. an ambush to its prey. The newly identified creature is likely an ancestor of the … Read more

Moon controls the release of methane into the Arctic Ocean – unexpected discovery with big implications

[ad_1] Full moon in Tromsø, Norway. Credit: Maja Sojtaric High tides can even counter the potential threat of submarine methane releases from a warming Arctic. It may not be very well known, but the Arctic Ocean releases huge amounts of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. These leaks have been going on for thousands of years … Read more