TechCrunch is now part of Verizon Media

[ad_1] TechCrunch is now part Verizon mediaa. We and our partners store and / or use your device information through cookies and similar technologies to deliver personalized ads and content, measure ads and content, display your audience, and develop products. Your personal information may be used Information about your device and internet connection, including your … Read more

Jim Bridenstine leaves Artemis program ‘in good shape’ for Biden’s NASA

[ad_1] At 12 p.m. ET today, Jim Bridenstine formally stepped down from his role as NASA administrator. While at the agency, the former Oklahoma congressman and navy aviator used his political skills to garner bipartisan support for the Trump administration’s Artemis program, the agency’s foundational initiative. to land humans on the moon by 2024 – … Read more

NASA leaving Bridenstine hopes Artemis continues

[ad_1] WASHINGTON – Jim Bridenstine used part of his last full day as a NASA administrator to call on the incoming administration to continue the Artemis program and bring humans back to the moon. A January 19 briefing on the Green Run static firing test of the space launch system three days earlier provided an … Read more

Physicist proposes manned mega-satellite to orbit Ceres

[ad_1] Ceres. Credit: NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory Physicist Pekka Janhunen of the Finnish Meteorological Institute has developed a new idea to colonize a place other than Earth – and it’s not the moon or Mars. Instead, Janhunen suggests in an article posted on the arXiv preprint server that humans populate a giant satellite that … Read more

Meteor news: Fireball explodes over United States as witnesses report being “frightened” by burst of light Science | New

[ad_1] An explosion of brilliant light lit up the sky in the eastern United States on Saturday as a meteor entered the atmosphere over the coast of North Carolina. The explosion was so large it could be seen in three different states – Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina – as well as Washington DC. … Read more

Astrophysicists may have found evidence of long-sought axions | Astronomy, Physics

[ad_1] First theorized in the 1970s, axions are hypothetical particles that have been proposed to preserve a temporal inversion symmetry of the nuclear force. These particles can constitute dark matter and can be produced thermally inside the nuclei of neutron stars, escape from stars due to their weak interactions with matter, and then convert to … Read more

Do the simulations represent the real world on an atomic scale?

[ad_1] Pictorial representation of a joint experimental and computer study of materials. The study used the Advanced Photon Source (top panel) and Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (bottom panel). The team addressed the atomistic structure of interfaces, which are ubiquitous in materials. Credit: Emmanuel Gygi, University of California, San Diego Computer simulations hold great promise for … Read more