Russian police remove a malware gang that has infected more than 800,000 Android smartphones

[ad_1] Russian authorities have arrested members of the TipTop cybercrime group, who have reportedly infected more than 800,000 Android smartphones with malware since 2015. The group operated by renting Android banking Trojans on hacking forums, which they then hid in Android apps distributed through search engine ads and third-party app stores. TipTop has been active … Read more

Gmail for Android adds a "drag-and-drop" account gesture

[ad_1] With the update of its hardware theme last year, Gmail for iOS added a handy move to switch accounts. After appearing on other Android apps over the past month, the drag-and-drop feature is now available in Gmail for Android. Version 2019.08.18 (via Android font) of the Gmail Android client tonight, users can drag their … Read more

Windows 10 Build 18970 – Tablet enhancements, cloud downloads, + OTHERS

[ad_1] A new release is about us and brings together new features and changes, including desktop experience tablet updates, a new cloud download recovery option, and much more. Subscribe to our Youtube channel: https: // … Follow us on social networks:Facebook: https: // …Instagram: [ad_2] Source link

Destiny 2 Seasons will get a fortnite style battle pass

[ad_1] GameSpot can receive a commission of retail sales offers. Bungie continues to detail the major changes ahead with the start of the third year of Destiny 2 and the launch of Shadowkeep, her next development. We already knew that Bungie was reshaping the upscale Eververse and the various cosmetic rewards you were getting. We … Read more

Google finds "the blind attack of the iPhone for years"

[ad_1] Copyright of the image Getty Images Legend The attack has affected all models of iPhone until the latest version, according to the Google team. Google's security researchers have found evidence of a "sustained effort" to hijack iPhones over a period of at least two years. The attack would have occurred using websites that would … Read more

Robots are now working in Walmart retail – BGR

[ad_1] In 2017, Walmart launched a pilot project that gave the impression that some of its old school brick and mortar stores looked like futuristic test benches. The chain has started testing robots that can scan shelves to make sure the items are at the right price and in stock, a test run in 50 … Read more