According to the Department of Justice, the FDA does not have jurisdiction to regulate drugs during executions

[ad_1] The Department of Justice said Tuesday in a legal opinion that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not have jurisdiction over drugs used in lethal injections. The Office of the Legal Counsel of the Ministry of Justice stated that "articles intended to be used as capital punishment by a state or the federal … Read more

Alabama Should Approve Controversial Abortion Bill

[ad_1] The Senate of Alabama is expected to approve a bill banning virtually all abortions. Supporters said that they wanted to directly challenge Roe v. Wade, the law on abortion legalized at the national level. Jericka Duncan reports. Subscribe to the channel "CBS Evening News" HERE: the full episodes of the CBS Evening News … Read more

Jury convicts a couple from Newton County in the murder of an infant girl | State News

[ad_1] Caliyah McNabb COVINGTON – A couple in Newton County accused of murdering their young daughter was convicted of all counts Tuesday, about an hour after the start of the jury's deliberations. The authorities accused Courtney Marie Bell and Christopher McNabb of smoking methamphetamine before murdering her 15-day-old daughter Caliyah in 2017, hiding her body … Read more

New Investigation on the FBI: Expected Delay or Trump Recovery?

[ad_1] The latest news, reduced to their most severe terms: you had your inquiry, now we have ours. The first survey, carried out relentlessly by Democrats and the media, was of course Mueller's investigation. Although the report contains damaging information about the actions of the Trump team, the essential is indisputable: no criminal charges are … Read more

The Russians hacked electoral systems in 2 counties in Florida. But which ones?

[ad_1] Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican, said the authorities had decided to circumvent these concerns by sending a general warning to all countries that an intrusion had occurred. "I think they should be named," said DeSantis. The fact that the governor was asked to sign a confidentiality agreement to receive classified information is not unusual. … Read more

Texas officer kills and kills a woman after Stun-Gun fight

[ad_1] BAYTOWN, Texas (AP) – A police officer killed a woman in an apartment building in the Houston area after striking her with a taser during a shocking, shocking fight. the police said. In a video recorded by a witness and published on social media, we can see the officer stand above Pamela Turner and … Read more