Robert Mueller's office: Short moss, job interviews and potluck parties


Robert Mueller

Over 60 pages of calendars reveal life inside special counsel Robert Mueller's office. | Andrew Harnik / AP Photo


The Weissmann calendar entries show a mix of the mundane with the legally complex.


Newly disclosed documents give fresh hints of daily life Robert Mueller's office during much of the past two years his investigators were probing connections between President Donald Trump's campaign in Russia.

About 15 months of calendars for Mueller 's deputy Andrew Weissmann. Other entries show that Mueller 's crew is well – known in the past.

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And still others show the more mundane activities in any office, like parties to mark birthdays, holidays and departures from the staff. The conference rooms in Mueller's nondescript southwest Washington, DC Sequoia, Maple and Elm.

The 66 pages of calendars were produced by the conservative watchdog group. The group made them public Tuesday.

The schedules have been heavily redacted on privacy grounds and in order to protect ongoing investigations. However, not all names have been deleted from the records.

The calendar of events for "Team Manafort", "later abbreviated as" Team M, "a Mueller's office moved to indict the trainer Trump campaign manager and prepared for a trial that took place in federal court in Alexandria, Va., Last year – and another in Washington, DC, that was canceled after Manafort cut a plea deal.

Mueller 's office appears to have taken key hearings in the Mueller cases quite seriously, arranging short sessions before these major showdowns.
An entry on May 2 shows at one-hour meeting labeled "Manafort EDVa Scope Short moot for MRD (Maple)."

Judge TS Ellis III, Judge TS Ellis III, questioning the connection between the tax and the tax fraud against Manafort and Mueller's mandate to probe Russian influence on the Trump campaign in 2016.

Ellis made clear his doubts about the wisdom of the special pleaded, but he also upheld the prosecutor's authority.

Similar moot short sessions were listed for issues related to alleged breaches and to be discussed in the Virginia case.

The early records show Weissmann conducting interviews with some of the prosecutors who later joined the squad. The names of individuals who did not join the group.

Judicial Watch said the interview showed Mueller had "outsourced" hiring for the office to Weissmann. The group noted that many of them have been donated to Trump's 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton, or other Democrats. Other legal experts have said it would be illegal when it comes to making decisions.

Further information on Marshals Service's "threat assessment" involving dangers to Mueller's staff.

Officials tried to keep the exact location of Mueller's office out of official court filings, apparently due to security concerns. TV crews were also featured on the front of the building, and we were busy with just a few blocks from the House Office annexes.

Social events captured on Weissmann 's calendar year, but took place less often than before. The calendar also shows the office favored "potluck" meals for holidays, including a "progressive potluck" holiday party on Dec. 13, 2017.

Some events on Weissmann's calendar are noted as canceled, and it is not clear The calendar seems to get a little more detailed and informative as time goes on. The last records were released in August 2018, about two months before Judicial Watch filed suit for the documents.


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