Cavuto to Trump: "I do not work for you"; "My job is to cover you, not scare you" | Video


FOX News host Neil Cavuto responded to network criticism by President Trump in a monologue on Thursday. Cavuto said the president made it clear that "a control in fact amounts to being almost dead for him"

NEIL CAVUTO, FOX NEWS: I think the president is watching FOX. I also think that he's starting to get fed up with FOX, which is odd because I think he's pretty well covered by FOX.

But the president asking him to verify the facts is almost dead for him, as well as for his legion of supporters who let me know in clear terms that I am with him totally or that I am a bully of Never-Trumper. There is no gray. No middle ground. You are either at the end or you have just gone out. True to everything or do not trust anything.

First of all, Mr President, we do not work for you. I do not work for you. My job is to cover you, not love you or scam you, but just cover you up – call bullets and strikes. Our job is to score points and not settle accounts. In my case, report economic numbers when they are good and when they are bad, both when markets are booming and when they are in free fall, when trade negotiations seem to unfold and as falling apart. It's called fair and balanced, Mr. Speaker.

You are entitled to your point of view, Mr. President. But you are not entitled to your own set of facts.


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