Starhopper Jump Reaches 150m High – Air & Cosmos


The successful test of the demonstrator of the future SpaceX giant launcher looks like a déjà vu …

August 27 at 22:03 UTC, on the occasion of the new test carried out at Boca Chica, Texas, SpaceX'S Starhopper (demonstrator of the future giant launcher Spatialship) performed a free vertical flight lasted a little over 57 seconds.

It peaked at 150 m before a soft landing in the center of the planned area, a few tens of meters from the take-off point.

The Starhopper, which looks like a pressure cooker covered in stainless steel – making it so bright – was powered by a single Raptor engine.

Check the test here:

A feeling of déjà vu.

The test really looks like those of the DC-X (Delta Clipper Experimental) – an SSTO prototype of a reusable one-stage orbital launcher developed between 1991 and 1997 by McDonnell Douglas for defense then the Nasaand able to perform a vertical takeoff and landing.

The machine had a height of 12 m and weighed 9.1 t.

The second test flight of its "advanced" DC-XA version, which took place in June 1996, peaked at 3,140 meters above sea level.

Check the test here:


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