CDC director just issued this “dangerous” warning


With the president’s six-point plan to target coronavirus involving immunization mandates, the question becomes increasingly urgent: when will a vaccine be available for children 11 and under? And what can we all do to stay safe? CDC Director Rochelle Walensky appeared on the Today’s show to answer these questions and more. Read on for five essential tips that could save your life, and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss them. Sure Signs You Have Ever Had COVID.

The little girl is sick using an oxygen mask on her face lying in her bed in the hospital.

Is Delta more dangerous or simply more transmissible in children? “Dangerous is more transmissible, right?” Said Walensky. “If it’s more transmissible, we have more children with disease. We have more children with symptomatic disease and more children end up in hospital. We haven’t seen any yet. data suggesting that if you get the Delta variant it is more serious in a given person. But we are definitely seeing more disease. If this virus gets the chance it will go … where people are not vaccinated The best thing we can do for our children is surround them with vaccinated people when they become eligible to be vaccinated.

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Corona temporary vaccination center in a warehouse with booths.

“Right now I’m really excited about the six point plan,” Walensky said. “The plan is to get more people vaccinated, to keep people out of the hospital, to prevent people from dying, to keep our kids in school, to keep our economy running. And I would say the president really works with these vaccines mandate an investigation so that more than a hundred million workers take the turn now. “

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Child with face mask getting vaccinated

“We are waiting for the companies to submit the data to the FDA, we expect this to happen in the fall,” Dr. Walensky said. “We will look at this data from the FDA, CDC, with the urgency we all feel to get our children vaccinated. And we hope by the end of the year.” What is the hold-up? “We want to go fast,” Walensky said. “We plan to move quickly, but we also want to have the efficacy data and the safety data that the FDA will need so that we know as soon as it becomes available… science has looked at the safety and efficacy for make sure it’s the right thing for the kids. “

RELATED: Safe Ways to Detect Delta Infection, Experts Say

An ambulance on an emergency call crossing downtown Fairhope

“As we see a decrease in cases in a number of the hotspots that we track, such as Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi, I just want to remind everyone that we are far from out of the woods, “says virus expert Dr Michael Osterholm. “We have to look at what’s going on in other states across the country. And as we do, we see right now that this block of southeastern states – Tennessee, South Carolina, Kentucky, West Virginia and North Carolina – all seeing increases of 10-30% in the past two weeks. If we look at cases in other parts of the country, particularly in the far northwest and north-central of the country, we see Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, all increasing in some cases in substantial numbers. We are happy to report, however, that Oregon and Washington appeared to have reached their peak and are leveling off and hopefully are on the verge of abating. “

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Follow basic public health principles and help end this pandemic, no matter where you live: get vaccinated as soon as possible; if you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear an N95 facial mask, do not travel, do not go far away, avoid large crowds, do not go inside with people you are not safe from (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene and to protect your life and the life of others, do not visit any of these 35 places where you’re most likely to catch COVID.


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