CDC: Measles cases have reached 695, the highest number since the elimination of the disease in 2000


April 25 (UPI) – The new measles cases recorded in the United States this year exceeded the record number since the disease was declared eliminated nearly 20 years ago, health officials said.

The centers for control and prevention of diseases announced Wednesday to have recorded 695 cases in 22 states. The previous record was 694 in 2014.

"This is the largest number of cases reported in the United States since the elimination of measles from that country in 2000," the CDC said in a statement.

Federal health officials attributed this record number to some major epidemics, including New York and Washington.

"The longer these epidemics last, the greater the chance for measles to implant in the US in a sustainable way," said the CDC.

Recent outbreaks began when unvaccinated travelers traveled to foreign countries and returned with the disease, risking infection in their communities.

Health and Social Services Secretary Alex Azar said in a statement that measles is not a safe childhood disease and that it is "preventable".

"We have the capacity to safely protect our children and our communities," he said. "Vaccines are a safe and highly effective public health solution for preventing this disease." Measles vaccines are among the most studied medical products and their safety has been firmly established over the years in some of the largest vaccine studies ever undertaken. "

The World Health Organization announced this month that the number of measles cases worldwide had increased by 300% in the first three months of the year compared to the same period of the same year. Last year. The WHO said that "hesitation with regard to vaccines", "reluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability of vaccines", is one of 10 threats to the Global Health in 2019.

Azar said the Ministry of Health and Social Services will launch a campaign next week, as part of National Infant Immunization Week, to raise public awareness of vaccine safety.

"All Americans would be safer and healthier if we received measles vaccines within the recommended time frame," he said.

The CDC will update its measles figures on Monday.


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