CDC: New and worse influenza strain circulating


CDC: New and worse influenza strain circulating

As the flu season continues throughout the country, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that a new, more severe strain is on the rise.

The dominant influenza strain at the beginning of the season was H1N1 influenza A. In recent weeks, more than half of the new cases reported were influenza A H3H2, a variant of swine influenza.

H3N2 influenza A worries the CDC because it seems to transmit more easily from pigs to humans than other swine flu viruses.

Overall, although all influenza strains recorded this year are significantly lower than last season, 41 children have already died this season.

This year's influenza vaccine does not protect against H3N2, although researchers are trying to make a vaccine. However, an influenza vaccine is always recommended because it can reduce symptoms.

People at high risk of getting the flu are children under 5, adults 65 and older, and pregnant women, says the CDC.

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