CDC: no less than 215,000 people have died from the pandemic


  • As many as 215,000 more people than usual died in the United States between January and July 2020, the Associated Press reported on Friday.
  • The death toll, from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suggests COVID-19 is killing more people than the officially recorded number.
  • People of color make up 40% of the US population but 52% of “excess deaths,” according to an analysis by the AP and the Marshall Project.
  • More than 175,000 people in the United States are confirmed to have died from the coronavirus, according to Johns Hopkins University.
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The coronavirus has killed tens of thousands of Americans – 175,000 and more – but the actual death toll could be up to 35% higher than officially recognized, new data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows. United.

As the Associated Press reported on Friday, the total death toll between January and July 2020 was 215,000 above normal, with people of color making up the majority of those killed. This compares to around 150,000 deaths attributed to COVID-19 during the same period.

That’s not to say that every death beyond the official tally can be directly attributed to an undiagnosed case of COVID-19. In some cases, deaths can occur as a result of people with serious illnesses who do not seek medical care, fear exposure to the novel coronavirus, or cannot obtain treatment due to the scarcity of medical resources by the pandemic.

What is clear from an analysis by the PA and the Marshall Project is that the death toll has affected some groups more than others. While people of color make up less than 40% of the US population, they accounted for 52% of “excess deaths” between the start of the year and the end of July.

Blacks, Latinos and Asian Americans have all seen their death tolls rise 30% in 2020, compared to the average of the past five years, the AP reported, with a 20% increase in deaths Native Americans.

Deaths among whites increased 9% over the same period.

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