CDC overall forecast now projects up to 508,000 Covid-19 deaths in the United States by mid-February


The United States delivered more than half a million monoclonal antibody drugs to states to treat out-of-hospital patients with Covid-19 on Monday, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services website. , but it is not known how many were used.

Since the therapies received emergency use clearance from the United States Food and Drug Administration in November, the department said it had provided 454,087 courses of Eli Lilly treatment and 96,923 courses of Regeneron cocktail.

Both treatments are authorized for people aged 12 and over, who are at high risk of progressing to a severe form of Covid-19. Both have been shown to reduce hospitalizations or emergency room visits linked to Covid-19.

It is not known exactly how many of the antibody treatments distributed were actually used; it is not published by HHS or tracked on status dashboards. Health officials said they were not being used enough; in Michigan, for example, less than 10% of available treatments for Covid-19 monoclonal antibodies have been used, said Dr William Fales, medical director of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, said last week.

Treatments are complicated to administer, in part because hospitals or infusion centers have to create a separate area to treat patients.


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