CDC recommends that Lake County residents wear masks – even if they are vaccinated


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday released guidelines for people to wear masks, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status, in interior areas with substantial or high transmission rates. Lake County is one of 14 counties in Minnesota that meet this criterion, with 50 or more cases per 100,000 population.

There were eight cases of COVID-19 identified in Lake County between July 21 and July 28. According to CDC data as of July 24, the seven-day test positive rate is nearly 12%, an 8% increase from the previous week. This is considered high community transmission of the coronavirus and is currently the second highest positivity rate in the state. Lake of the Woods County has a positivity rate of just under 15%.

However, due to the low populations of Lake and Lake of the Woods counties, the percentages of positivity may be skewed. Last week, Lake County saw five positive cases out of 126 tests, which equates to a 4% positivity rate.

“With a relatively small population, that number can fluctuate dramatically from week to week in Lake County,” a county statement said Wednesday afternoon. “Only five new cases in one week will give Lake County the designation of high community transmission.”

Lake County cases peaked in late November, when more than 100 cases were reported in a week. The population of Lake County is estimated at approximately 10,700.

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County officials have urged the public to get vaccinated.

“If you’ve been waiting to get vaccinated, now is the time,” Lisa Hanson, director of Lake County Health and Human Services, said in the press release. “Vaccination is the best tool we have to reduce community transmission and continue the path of normalcy. No one even wants to think about having to come back to hide warrants, distance learning or stay-at-home orders, but we have already seen how quickly our situation can change with this virus. ”

The CDC’s new masking recommendations come as the delta variant of COVID-19 spreads across the country. The other 13 counties in Minnesota ranked with substantial or high community transmission rates include Lake of the Woods, Roseau, Wilkin, Traverse, Pope, Swift, Redwood, Cottonwood, Isanti, Mille Lacs, Waseca, Dodge, and Scott.


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