CDC Reports Fatal Case of Melioidosis in Georgia: What is Rare Bacterial Infection?


A person in Georgia has succumbed to a rare bacterial infection called melioidosis, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Monday. But what exactly is it and who is at risk?


Sequencing suggested the case was linked to three previous infections in Kansas, Texas and Minnesota, and the cases involved both children and adults, the CDC said. Two in four cases resulted in death and two of the patients had no risk factors, which are considered to be underlying medical problems such as diabetes, liver or kidney disease, and cancer.

While the bacterial strains closely matched the cases found in South Asia, none of the patients had traveled overseas.

The CDC suggested that the most likely cause behind the cases was an imported product, such as a food or drink, a cleaning product or medicine, or an ingredient in the product.

“The CDC has collected and tested over 100 product, soil and water samples in and around patients’ homes. No samples have yet been positive for the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei, which causes melioidosis, “read a statement on Monday, adding:” The bacteria normally live in moist soil and water. However, in rare cases cases, it was also found to contaminate damp or moist products in areas where bacteria are common. “

A dozen cases are reported each year in the United States, the CDC explains on its website. The bacteria can take two to three weeks to cause illness, making it difficult to identify the source, the CDC said, noting that patients can also forget what products they were potentially exposed to before they got sick.

Treatment usually includes antimicrobial therapy given intravenously for at least two weeks and up to six months of oral antimicrobial therapy.


“The CDC is asking clinicians to watch for any acute bacterial infection that does not respond to normal antibiotics and to consider melioidosis whether or not the patient has traveled outside of the United States,” the statement continued. “The CDC also urges clinicians not to rule out melioidosis as a possible diagnosis in children and those who were previously healthy and without known risk factors for melioidosis. ”

While healthy people can get melioidosis, underlying medical conditions can increase the risk of disease, the CDC said, advising people with coughs, chest pain, high fever, or headaches. of unexplained weight loss to see their doctor.

To prevent disease, the CDC advises people at risk with open wounds to avoid soil and standing water, and suggests those involved in farm work to wear boots to prevent infection of the feet and bottom. legs. Healthcare workers can prevent infection through standard precautions such as hand hygiene, wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and appropriate disinfection instruments, among other measures.


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