CDC set to release much stricter mask guidelines



With more strains of transmissible COVID in circulation, experts have made their voices heard over which masks offer the best protection against the virus. During much of the pandemic, people resigned themselves to using flimsy fabric masks or simple homemade face coverings, but professionals became increasingly outspoken about the need to modernize masks nationwide. . In response to these warnings, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is drafting much more stringent mask guidelines. Read on to find out what the guidelines entail, and for which masks to avoid, this type of face mask is “unacceptable,” warns the Mayo Clinic.

Woman wearing face mask at airport and maintaining social distance
william87 / iStock

CNN has obtained a draft of what would be the first national standard for evaluating face masks for consumers. The proposed guidelines, which have not yet been finalized, would divide the masks into two levels. The review process is still ongoing, so the guidelines may change after further review.

According to CNN, the document sorts the masks into two quality levels. To be considered a level one mask, the product would need to filter 20% of particles, which would make the mask breathable but provide limited protection. To be considered a level two mask, which is preferable, the mask would require a “high performance” filtration of at least 50 percent of the particles. The level two mask would be less breathable but would offer much more complete protection. And for more mask advice, if you have this mask, get a new one now, experts say.

A stack of different types of masks laid on a concrete background

The changes come after many experts reported that mask standards need to be upgraded. Ashish jha, MD, dean of Brown University School of Public Health, called on the United States to improve the quality of masks. In an interview with NBC on January 8, he discussed how to limit the spread of the new strains and highlighted the use of better masks. “High quality masks are really important, “Jha noted.” We haven’t done much to make high quality masks – it’s something we still have to work on.

Scott Gottlieb, MD, a former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner, also called for more effective masks in light of the new variants in a Jan. 17 interview on CBS. “The quality of the masks really matters right now,” said Gottlieb. “If you wear a better mask with this new infection, that will be very important.” And for more up-to-date information, sign up for our daily newsletter.

Portrait of young man with protective mask against corona virus outbreak at sky station

The current mask guidelines are somewhat inconsistent. According to CNN, only medical-grade masks, such as N95 masks, and respirators must meet the standards. These types of masks need to be regulated in terms of fit and filtration efficiency, among others. The proposed standards will be broader, as well as more specific with respect to the fit, design and performance of a mask. And the guidelines will also detail the testing requirements that the masks must meet.

CNN reported that the project has requirements for single-use and reusable masks. In particular, the standards prohibit vents, valves or any other device that would allow the air flow to bypass filtration, with a few exceptions. And for more face masks to avoid, the CDC warns against using these 6 face masks.

A young woman standing on a city sidewalk wearing a face mask checks her smartphone.

Although these standards are more stringent than current guidelines, they are still far below what other countries have put in place. CNN reports that Germany, Austria and France require masks with a minimum filtration efficiency of 80-90% in public spaces. These new overseas mandates came to fruition after local health officials expressed concern about the quality of the masks they were seeing.

French Minister of Health Olivier Veran went to France Inter on January 19 to discuss which masks are sufficient and which are not. “Handmade masks that you do at home, with the best of intentions, following official advice, does not necessarily offer all the necessary guarantees, ”said Veran. The Minister of Health clarified that people should opt for more effective masks. “All masks that have a filter power greater than 90 percent are valid – this includes almost all surgical masks for the general public,” he said. And for more ways to protect yourself, doing this to your mask could protect you even more from COVID, experts say.


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