CDC: Statewide falls with high or substantial risk of COVID transmission


According to the Center for Disease Control, it is recommended that the entire state of Michigan wear masks indoors and when it is crowded outside. Each county presents at least a substantial risk of transmission.

“We’re about a month behind some of these early Delta surge states,” said Dr. Jennifer Morse, medical director of District # 10 health department.Sequence 0100 00 09 00still001

Less than a month ago Michigan looked a lot better than the rest of the country. This week they look the same with each county in orange and red on the COVID transmission tracking map. Each county has a substantial or high risk of transmission, according to the CDC.

“It’s very likely that what’s red will stay red, what’s orange will turn red,” Morse said, “and will stay that way for a while.”

How long does a moment last? Health experts can only predict past experiences.

“We now expect, based on the last two outbreaks, that our peak hospitalization will be in October,” Morse said. last push.

Red and orange counties are recommended to wear masks indoors, regardless of immunization status. This is particularly relevant as students return to school.

“I personally speak to schools once a week, and over the past month I have been consistent with posts that follow CDC recommended guidelines,” Morse said, “that there should be masking for all school buildings and K-12 activities. “

Even with the same recommendation, each district has developed its own plan. Around Ludington, the Orioles were finalizing their plan on Monday, but nearby, Pentwater and Manistee both opted for a full mask. Mason County Center? A hybrid, masks only for the youngest. Then Mason County Eastern leaves without a warrant of any kind.

This is what you see when you leave it to each district, some like this idea while others see it as a problem.

“The best way would be if we just have a statewide mandate, because then it’s uniform across the state,” Morse said, “We have school districts that cross over counties and departments. health, which makes it very confusing if it’s left to the individual health department.


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