CDC: the most effective Moderna vaccine against hospitalization in the United States


Overall, healthy adults with the Moderna COVID vaccine had 93% vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization over five months compared to those with 88% protection with Pfizer and 71% with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, according to a new report released Friday by the CDC.

Why is this important: The report comes as Food and Drug Administrations meet on Friday to consider whether to approve a contentious plan for booster shots among fully vaccinated people.

  • The higher effectiveness of Moderna could be due to the higher mRNA content or the difference in the timing between doses, the authors note.
  • Still, all three vaccines provided “substantial protection,” according to the CDC, despite the two mRNA vaccines providing “more protection” than the J&J vaccine.

The big picture: The real-world data coincides with previous findings on how Moderna can maintain higher efficiency over time than other shots available in the United States.

  • The waning effectiveness of Pfizer could raise future questions about whether the two mRNA vaccines should be treated the same politically, reports Caitlin Owens of Axios.

In numbers : The sample size was nearly 3,700 people in 21 hospitals in 18 states from March 11 to August 15. Patients with immunocompromised disorders were excluded from the report.

  • About 13% were fully vaccinated with Moderna, 20% were fully vaccinated with Pfizer, and 3.1% had J&J.
  • The vaccine’s effectiveness for 14 to 120 days after the second dose of Moderna was 93% and dropped to 92% after about four months, the data showed.

What they say : “Understand the differences in [vaccine effectiveness] per vaccine product can guide individual choices and policy recommendations regarding vaccine recalls, ”the study authors wrote.

  • “All COVID-19 vaccines approved or authorized by the FDA offer substantial protection against hospitalizations related to COVID-19,” they added.


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