CDC: unvaccinated people more than twice as likely to be re-infected


Unvaccinated people are more than twice as likely to be re-infected with the coronavirus than those who are vaccinated, according to a CDC study released on Friday.

Inventory: Research found that unvaccinated people were “considerably” more likely to be re-infected with COVID – specifically 2.34 times more.

  • Immunity to the natural infection is expected to last for about 90 days, the CDC said.
  • The agency added that the emergence of new variants could affect the duration of this immunity.

Details: The study involved 246 Kentucky residents who were re-infected between May and June.

  • To note : At the time the study was conducted, the Delta variant was not yet the dominant strain in the United States

What they say : The results of the study “suggest that among people who have been previously infected with SARS-CoV-2, full vaccination offers additional protection against reinfection. To reduce their risk of infection, all eligible people should see themselves. offer vaccination, even if they have already been infected with SARS-CoV-2, “the CDC said.


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