Chandrayaan-2 will also carry the payload of NASA, calculate the distance Earth-Moon | India News


NEW DELHI: India's space research organization (Isro) has revealed for the first time that Chandrayaan-2 lunarcraft, scheduled to be launched in July, will carry NASA's "passive experimental instrument" on the moon. The US Space Agency will use this module to calculate the distance between the Earth and the Moon.
In addition to the Chandrayaan-2 foreign solitary experimental module, involving an orbiter, the LG Vikram & # 39; and the mobile 'Pragyan', will also ship 13 Indian payloads that will be used to conduct various scientific experiments and take pictures on the Moon, as indicated by TOI earlier.
Isro Chairman, K Sivan, said, "NASA's laser reflector arrays will only be a passive experimental module aboard Chandrayaan-2. US scientists will use it to take measurements of the distance between the Earth and the Moon. The instrument, which has been attached to the LG, will be able to mention precisely the location of the LG on the surface of the Moon. "He told TOI that" NASA requested the experimental module last July and we accepted it in September. last year ".

At the lunar and planetary scientific conference held in Texas (United States) in March, NASA had confirmed that Chandrayaan-2 and the Israeli lander Beresheet, who crashed on the surface of the Moon on April 11 would each have NASA's network of laser retroreflectors. However, Isro has not disclosed the existence of the Nasa instrument until now.
The 13 Indian payloads, provided by Indian institutes, are a large area soft X-ray spectrometer (LASS) from the Isro Satellite Center (ISAC) and a solar X-ray monitor (XSM) from the Physics Research Laboratory. (PRL) based in Ahmedabad. , space-based applications center (IRAP) imaging spectrometer (SIR) based in Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad, L and S (SAR) synthetic aperture radar of the neutral mass spectrometer (CHACE-2) in the center of Thiruvananthapuram , SAC camera-2 terrain mapping (TMC-2), Viktor lander supplement, Moon-sensitive hypersensitive ionosphere and radio-anatomy (RAMBHA), thermo experiment – Chandra Surface Physics (CHSTE), instrument of lunar seismic activity (ILSA), laser reflector array (LRA), mobile sensor complement (APXS, LIBS) and Laser Induced Failure Spectroscope (LIBS) .
Chandrayaan-2 boats weighing 3.8 tons are expected to be launched from July 9 to 16 and are expected to land on the moon on September 6. Last time, the Chandrayaan-1 mission, launched in 2008, carried five foreign payloads (three from Europe and two from the United States). Once the Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft has reached lunar orbit, Vikram will separate from the orbit and soft-land at a predetermined site near the south pole of the moon, which has not been explored by other countries.
In an interview with TOI, Isro's president, K Sivan, said, "Once Vikram will have landed on the lunar surface on September 6, the Prayan robot will come out and unfold on the lunar surface on a distance of 300 to 400 meters. He will spend 14 terrestrial days on the Moon to perform various scientific experiments. "The robot will analyze the content of the lunar surface and send data and images to the Earth by the orbiter within 15 minutes," he said.

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