Charlotte, Raleigh leads mosquitoes in the United States, according to Orkin


Fight mosquitoes with these simple tips

Fight mosquitoes inside and out with some simple tips. Do not forget to cover windows with mosquito nets, remove stagnant water and cover your skin with a long-sleeved shirt and pants. And do not forget insect repellent.

Fight mosquitoes inside and out with some simple tips. Do not forget to cover windows with mosquito nets, remove stagnant water and cover your skin with a long-sleeved shirt and pants. And do not forget insect repellent.

Two metropolitan areas in North Carolina are near the top of the list – and the news may be itching.

Charlotte was ninth and Raleigh-Durham ranked 10th among the worst mosquito spots in the US, the Orkin pest control company said on its website on Monday.

Orkin says cities have made the list because of the "number of mosquito customers served from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019" in homes and businesses.

Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham have lost their place in last year's ranking, according to the website. Atlanta has taken the lead in the overall standings, Orkin said.

The numbers were published several weeks before the start of the mosquito breeding season, which usually extends from July to September, according to Orkin.

Mosquitoes can transmit viruses and cause itching, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To prevent bites, people can use a repellent product, wear clothes that cover their bodies and put screens on their windows and doors, says the CDC.

Residents are also encouraged to get rid of stagnant water, which attracts mosquitoes, according to the Entomology Extension of North Carolina State University.

Simone Jasper is a reporter who covers breaking news stories for The News & Observer and real-time news in the Carolinas.


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