Chemicals used as flame retardants in electronics can damage babies’ brains, scientists warn


Fire-resistant chemicals used in baby seats and electronics can damage the brains of babies and toddlers, scientists warn

  • Organophosphate esters are used to make consumer products less flammable
  • North Carolina researchers say chemicals can interfere with brain development
  • They warn their use could affect a generation’s IQ, attention, and memory

Fire-resistant chemicals used in electronics, furniture and even baby seats could harm children’s brains, scientists have warned.

American researchers who have examined dozens of international studies have found a link between exposure to organophosphate esters and lower IQ and attention span in young people.

The chemicals were considered safe by regulators, but research shows they are neurotoxic and “just as harmful” as some banned flame retardants.

Scientists say their importance in a wide range of baby products and building materials could threaten “an entire generation” in terms of brain development.

Experts already knew how toxic chemicals are when used in nerve agents and pesticides, but they were thought to be safe for manufactured products.

The scientists today published their research in a commentary in the scientific journal Environmental Health Perspectives.

Common chemicals used to prevent fires in TVs and car seats could damage babies' brains, scientists warn [stock image]

Common chemicals used to prevent fires in TVs and car seats could damage babies’ brains, scientists warn [stock image]

Senior author and North Carolina State University neuroendocrinologist Heather Patisaul said, “The use of organophosphate esters in everything from televisions to car seats has proliferated under the false assumption that ‘they are safe.

“Unfortunately, these chemicals appear to be just as harmful as the chemicals they are meant to replace, but they work through a different mechanism.”

What are organophosphate esters?

Organophosphorus esters are chemicals used to make consumer products, including televisions and car seats, less flammable.

They were introduced to gradually replace certain halogenated flame retardants which have been shown to be toxic.

The chemicals act as a carbon layer on burning materials, preventing oxygen from fueling the flames.

Until recently, scientists considered their use to be a safe retarder, despite their toxicity when used as already well-known fertilizers or nerve agents.

But experts are now warning that they could pose a threat to the brains of babies and children due to the way the chemicals are ingested by humans.

The chemicals can be released from the products by moving through the surrounding air and dust, the researchers found.

This dust transfers to the hands of people who touch them, which are inadvertently consumed when people eat.

Babies and children are especially vulnerable to this because of the amount they put their hands in their mouths.

The researchers found that young people had higher concentrations of dangerous chemicals in their system.

Brain development is more vulnerable at an early age, which means chemicals could have a worse effect on them than in adults.

Co-author Linda Birnbaum said, “Organophosphate esters threaten the brain development of an entire generation.

“If we do not contain their use now, the consequences will be serious and irreversible.”

Scientists are calling on industries to stop using chemicals where their presence is not essential.

They recommend that governments and industry invest in alternative technologies to reduce the flammability of electronic products.

Co-author Carol Kwiatkowski said: “The organophosphate esters in many products do not perform any essential function while posing a serious risk, especially to our children.

“There is an urgent need for product manufacturers to critically reassess the uses of flame retardants and organophosphate ester plasticizers – many can do more harm than good.”


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