Children 5 and under don’t need coronavirus masks, WHO says


Very young children are less susceptible to the virus and are less likely to pass it on to others, the two UN agencies said in a joint statement.

“Based on the limited evidence available, young children may have a lower susceptibility to infection compared to adults, but the available data suggests that this may vary depending on the age of the children,” said WHO and UNICEF .

Additionally, some studies suggest that adolescents may play a more active role in transmission than young children, according to organizations.

CHILDREN UNDER 5 YEARS OF AGE – Must not wear masks for source control

“Based on expert opinion gathered through online meetings and consultation processes, children under the age of five should not wear masks for source control,” the joint statement said.

The new WHO and UNICEF guidelines contradict current guidelines from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which suggest that children 2 years of age and older should wear a mask.

CHILDREN FROM 6 TO 11 YEARS – Risk-based approach

For children aged 6 to 11, WHO states that a risk-based approach should be applied, taking into account the local intensity of transmission; social and cultural environments; the child’s ability to comply; the availability of appropriate adult supervision; potential impact of masks on learning and psychosocial development; and additional considerations such as disabilities or underlying illnesses.


“Advice on the use of masks in children and adolescents 12 years of age or older should follow the WHO guidelines for the use of masks in adults and / or national guidelines on masks for adults.” , the agencies said.

According to the guidelines, no child should be denied access to education if a mask is not available.

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“For children of any age with developmental disabilities, disabilities or other specific health problems that may interfere with mask wearing, the use of masks should not be mandatory and should be assessed on an ad hoc basis. per case by the educator of the child and / or the doctor. Added WHO and UNICEF.

Face shields are a possible substitute for masks, the groups added, although they are not as effective as masks.

And masks aren’t the only precaution kids should take. “It is important to stress that the use of masks is a tool and that children must also respect physical distance, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette,” says the new guide.


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