10 patents filed in the United States that changed the lives of millions of people around the world


Who has never dreamed of patenting an invention?

In the United States, the patent number 10,000,000 has just been delivered since the system was invented more than two centuries ago. 19659002] It was awarded to Joseph Marron, an optical engineer of the company Raytheon, for having invented a system allowing to obtain information of gigantic laser radars which have applications in defense, medicine, space exploration and autonomous automobiles. ] The first patent in the history of the United States It was delivered on July 31, 1790 to Samuel Hopkins to improve the way to make potbadium carbonate. From then on, thousands of certificates were issued until 1936 destroyed a large part of the archives .

Patents that were successfully recovered were issued again.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) does not record only inventions or products marketed. A lot of the documents are about the protection of ideas, one of the reasons why this country issues so many certificates.

In BBC World, we select some of the patented inventions in the United States. it has changed the lives of millions of people around the world.

1- Telegraph

  102236284gettyimages90744048-80e3bc0bf03373559043d53fd267e1c2.jpg Samuel Morse's telegraph gave birth to the code that bears his name. / Getty Images

In 1840, Samuel Morse received the patent 1,647 for inventing the telegraph a device that allowed the sending of messages over long distances.

The alphabetic code related to the telegraph ends up being known as the "Morse Code"

2- Bombill ao foco

In 1880, Thomas Edison obtained the patent 223,898 for creating the bombill to .

Edison was inventor or co-inventor of more than 1000 patents

3- Electromagnetic Motor

  102236288gettyimages532269235-98edba6b3ade6a448feb7e7f11bf284d.jpg Nikola Tesla became famous for its electromagnetic motor. / Getty Images

In 1888 Nikola Tesla obtained the patent 381.968 for its electromagnetic motor, considered the basis for modern engines.

4- Roll of Toilet Paper

In 1891 Seth Wheeler's patented roll of toilet paper with the registration number 459 516.

5- Flying Machine [19659025] The Wright brothers patented the "flying machine" in 1906. / Getty Images

In 1906, the Wilbur and Orville Wright brothers received the patent 821 393 for a "flying machine" ] known as the first plane in history.

6- Neutron Reactor

  102236532gettyimages615312786-e93dfa79657afd463f3b204958c6c8e8.jpg Enrico Fermi invented the neutron reactor. In 1955, the physicist Enrico Fermi obtained the patent 2,708,656 for his "neutron reactor" an invention that paved the way for the development of nuclear energy.

7- Submarine

Harold Froehlich received in 1961 the patent 3,104,641 for a "submarine" 19459004 called Alvin, which allowed scientists to dive into unknown places and discover 300 new animal species.

8- Missile Launch System

  102236306gettyimages454418001-d228ce9e250e875ca0ab1250f1571e41.jpg The Eddins missile system was used in the Saturn V rocket. / Getty Images

In 1965 Timothy Eddins received the 3,224 patent .336 by a missile launch system.

It was used in the Saturn V rocket.

It is part of several patents registered by NASA for the purpose of sending astronauts to the moon.

9- Mouse

  102236308gettyimages106287559-262b56f3c7d3c5f997411211a5fa743b.jpg The first mouse for the computer dates from 1970. / Getty Images

In 1970, Douglas Engelbart patented the mouse we were using on the # 39; s computer.

10- iPod

And in 2007 Steve Jobs registered the patent 7 166 791 for a system that allowed users to enjoy the iPod.

  102236310gettyimages76524075-d12cdc9705cb1de7da54ed05973eefab.jpg The iPod was patented by Steve Jobs in 2007. / Getty Images

Patent disputes

Who is really the "inventor" of something is a widely discussed topic, since knowledge is usually the cumulative contribution of the work of many people.

the time to patent a product, the first to do so, wins paternity. However, just as there are many documents, there are also many arguments and accusations of "intellectual theft".

In the case of the oldest inventions, beyond criticism and rumors, the patent register is the largest. a part of the cases, the only formal reference that allows to badign someone a creation.

In "The Age of Artifacts" When there was a craze to invent devices of all kinds, there was a man who had the greatest record of inventions: Thomas Alva Edison . He even registered 1,084 patents with his name in areas such as communications, film, lighting and energy distribution.

He maintained this historical record until 1985 when he pbaded the American Lowell Wood.

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