100 times faster! This Mexico 2018 will have a capacity of 5G


CITY OF MEXICO.- Towards the end of 2018 Mexico will become the first country in the world to release the 600 megahertz (MHz) band which currently uses 48 channels of Alejandro Navarrete, chief of the radio spectrum unit of the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT), said Alejandro Navarrete, who would be open to the call for offers by 2020 for services telecommunications . the arrival of fifth generation services or 5G and will increase the speed up to 100 times compared to 4G technology and with less of the same. interruptions.


We rearrange the frequency bands, both in 800 and 600 megahertz. We will be the first country to launch band 600 for fifth generation services. IFT is also working on programming new spectrum offerings for the coming years to ensure the spectral needs of our country. "

In addition, the possibility of bidding more spectrum at frequencies below 1 GHz is evaluated, 3.5-3.4 GHz, and the reorganization of this band.

Offers IFT-7 is currently making available 120 MHz of the spectrum in the 2.5 GHz band for the services of wireless access, including mobile telephony and mobile broadband

It is expected that the call for IFT-7 offers will cease transmitting 120 MHz spectrum in the 2.5 GHz band for access services wireless, including mobile telephony and mobile broadband.The process is expected to end this year.

Navarrete recalled that the value of available spectrum that the International Telecommunication Union has recommended for countries like the Mexico is 1,300 MHz, but this observation was made several years ago, which should be qualified with e many improvements in spectral technology, which allow to offer higher transmission rates.

Specifically for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), Mexico went from 222 MHz in 2013 to more than 450, not counting the spectrum allocated as a result of the band's call for tenders. 2.5 GHz.


Similarly, derived from industry demand to consider the economic amounts of consideration and fees paid For the spectrum operation, Navarrete said that as part of the FTI's 2018 annual work program, a study on the evaluation of the amounts for the use of spectrum in IMT bands

This study was recently awarded by call for public offers and by December of this year, we will have to have the results. This study will give us some clues as to whether the current levels of the rights for the IMT spectrum in Mexico are too high or not, "he said.

* livm

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