12 years and a month: the third judge resolves the fate of Lula Da Silva


Pbadive bribery and money laundering are the charges against Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. For the same accusations, the Brazilian justice stipulated that he would be imprisoned for 12 years and one day, after a Sunday of contradictions.

In the morning, Judge Rogerio Favreto ordered the release of the former president after accepting the habeas corpus created and relied on to avoid "arbitrary" imprisonments.

It was not long before a second judge, Joao Gebran, to oppose the measure, generating a controversy that kept the tension in the carnival country.

The reason was necessary the intervention of a third judge to resolve the dispute, and it was the turn of Carlos Thomson Flores, chairman of the Regional Fourth Federal Regional Court. Like all this day, the decision was made quickly and Thomson was quick to settle: Lula will remain in prison.

This whole situation takes place in a complex context, where the leader of the Workers Party is the preferred letter according to the surveys to reach the presidency at the next elections in October

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