13 dead left accidents on the roads during a long weekend | National


Carabineros reported in his last report that 13 people died in road crashes during the last long weekend, waiting for a large number of people to return to the capital. Monday Night

The departure of the vehicles from Santiago on the occasion of this long weekend was under the estimation of the Carabineros, since initially they spoke of 400 thousand vehicles that would leave the capital. However, according to information from the Prefecture of Traffic and Highways, there were about 343,000 cars

. In addition, according to the Carabineros, some 123 thousand vehicles would return this afternoon to Santiago in the so-called "return operation". Routes 5 South, 5 North, 68 and 78, so mitigation measures were implemented in different routes.

Accidents and Fines

At the national level, 503 road accidents were recorded with a balance of 328 injuries and 13 fatalities. Three of the deceased were registered in the metropolitan area and three others in the O & # 39; Higgins area.

Regarding the inspection points, the head of the prefecture of traffic and road, Colonel Enrique Monrás, pointed out that " three major inspection groups One is the speed, especially on highways, driving under the influence of alcohol from private vehicles, trucks or buses and l '; use of child seats for private vehicles. "

On fines imposed by the Carabineros 3120 were accelerating violations, 234 for not having used a child seat.In addition, 205 people were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Emergency Plans

As part of the emergency plans that were implemented 3 × 1 ] Lo Prado toll at the costanera link on the Route 68.

In addition, there is a 3 × 1 Bypbad of Rancagua at the Angostura Toll on Ruta 5 Sur.

These mitigation measures will be valid until 23:00 hours . However, they can vary depending on the contingency.

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