145 whales found dead on a beach in New Zealand | The society


A sad picture comes from Oceania. in a bay of southern New Zealand were found 145 dead whales . The cetaceans stranded on the beach and when they were found, half of them were still alive but in minimal sanitary conditions and were slaughtered. The information was provided by official New Zealand sources.

"Unfortunately, the possibility of successfully overthrowing them was extremely weak ." The most humane thing that could be done for them was to sacrifice them, but it's still a painful decision, "said Ren Leppens, operations manager for the Stewart Island Conservation Department, third largest island in the country.

A hiker warns the authorities of dozens of animals stranded in the Rakiura area.The pilot whales, also known as tropical pilot whales, were stranded in two groups separated by a few kilometers Marine mammals are often stranded on the coasts of Australia and New Zealand

In New Zealand [859005] about 85 rescues of cetaceans a year the majority of solitary specimens are followed The causes of the stranding of whales and dolphins are unclear, although they are attributed to diseases, navigational errors, sudden changes in ee, chasing predators or extreme weather conditions.

[1945] 19659002]

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