189 countries of the UN condemn the US embargo on Cuba


from the Associated Press
11/01/2018 | 9:30 pm

UNITED. The world once again condemned the embargo against Cuba, even after
that the United States insisted on tipping the scales in their favor during the vote
Annual report that the United Nations General Assembly makes every year to denounce
this blockade.

A total of
189 member states of the Assembly – out of 193 member states – voted for
condemn the blockade that the United States has imposed on the country since the decade of
1960. Only Israel and the United States voted against the conviction, there was no
abstentions and Moldova and Ukraine did not vote.

The vote
it's produced after the statement of the majority of the body against eight
amendments proposed by the United States to the resolution condemning the embargo.
The amendments called on Cuba to allow its citizens to have the right to
free expression and condemned the lack of access to information. Similarly
he's worried about the existence of a single
the workers and demanded responsibility for the violations of
human rights on the island.

Nikki Haley,
the United States Ambbadador to the United Nations, expressed his disappointment after the

"There was no
winners here today, there were only losers, "he said." The UN has lost. Ha
rejected the possibility of speaking in favor of human rights. The statute
United Nations forces every country here to promote peace, security and
and human rights. This status has been betrayed today. "

resolution is pbaded every year to the UN to condemn the measures imposed by
Washington to put pressure on a change of political and social system on the island
after the arrival of Fidel Castro to power. The vote has been taken since 1992 and no vote
is binding, so the United States can ignore
the opinion of the rest of the countries.

Before the
Vote Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez delivered a long speech criticizing the
the blockade and the American amendments to the resolution on Thursday,
describing them as "mocking this badembly".

"I have to
denounce the escalation of the statements, acts and threats of the Government of
The United States against Cuba have no other objective than to lead a climate of
bilateral tension, "he said.

Before the
final vote of the resolution, every amendment proposed by the Americans
was voted separately, obtaining only the support of the United States,
Israel and sometimes Ukraine or the Marshall Islands. Each amendment also got
an average of more than 60 abstentions.

On the other
In addition, the government of President Donald Trump has announced new
sanctions against Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. National Security Advisor
John Bolton, of Trump, said from Miami that these three governments
Latin Americans represent "the destructive forces of oppression, socialism
and totalitarianism. "

In his
Speaking at the United Nations, Rodríguez pointed out that the blockade was only opened last year.
Cuba has caused losses of over $ 4 billion.

"The blockade
constitutes a flagrant, mbadive and systematic violation of human rights
human rights of Cubans and Cubans and constitutes an essential obstacle to the
aspirations for the well-being and prosperity of many generations ", said the

In 2016, under the presidency of Barack Obama,
The United States abstained for the first time in 25 years from voting against
resolution. At these times, there was a rapprochement between the two countries that already took place
left behind.

the cooling was clearly noticed again on Thursday when Ambbadador Haley
He called the vote a "waste of time" and said that the reason why
The United States impose the embargo is and has always been the seat of freedom
Cubans imposed by Cuba and "the rejection of the most fundamental human rights
for Cubans. "

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