19 dead people have left the road


"The state of the roads is normal, depending on the day and the schedule.The speed is somewhat reduced, but it can not be a major congestion," said Mayor Tulio Benavides, Prefectura Transit and Roads

After the long weekend, the return of about 100,000 vehicles was expected today Santiago, for which emergency measures were implemented. until around 8:30 pm, the traffic flow was normal and without large spikes.

The negative note was the losses.The Mayor of Carabineros Tulio Benavides, Prefectura Transit and Roads, reported that until 39 at 18 hours, 19 people died because of road accidents, a high figure compared to last year, where there were 14 deaths.However, it was also reported that With regard to the number of accidents, the number decreased by about 200. "But, because of the number of accidents, the incidents had more impact, "said the officer.

police checks were intensified on all roads and it was reported that during the three public holidays, 200,000 preventive checks were carried out throughout the country, in which 58 people were arrested for driving in state of Drunk and more than 200 influence of alcohol. During the afternoon, there was no major congestion on the return routes to Santiago. "The state of the roads is in a normal flow, depending on the day and the schedule.The speed is somewhat reduced, but it fails to be a major congestion," said Major Benavides. Rush hour started at 14:00 and it was estimated that at 22:00, the transit would return to normal

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